Pests of indoor plants

Almost every house has houseplants. The owners love them and protect them. But in houseplants, as well as in any other, there are many enemies. Although they have much less than the street plants. These enemies - aphids, whitefly, weevil, mite, mocryca and many, many others. And no matter how well you take care of your pets, such pests from time to time still settle on houseplants and feed on them. The fight against such pests of plants will be successful if you are attentive to your pets, in time and correctly determine the type of pest. They love pests, most often the young parts of the plant - leaves, buds and flowers. Some can be seen, some can only be viewed in a magnifying glass, and some can not be seen at all. Recognize such "invisible" can only by the signs of the disease that they cause.

Protection of plants from pests

Everyone knows the truth - it is easier to prevent the disease than to fight it later. The same applies to houseplants, they are much easier to prevent the appearance of pests, than to eradicate them later. In conditions of an apartment, good conditions are created for the appearance and reproduction of pests. This is facilitated by dry air, low humidity and high temperature. In such conditions pests of house flowers successfully develop in winter. Healthy and strong plants are rarely exposed to pests as compared to weak and effeminate pests. Therefore, it is so important to constantly inspect houseplants, especially newly purchased ones. To protect against pests, we need to systematically remove weeds from flowerpots with plants. When transplanting the plant, the earth should be calcined for 30 minutes at a temperature of 100 degrees. Such seemingly simple preventive measures will help to avoid the emergence of pests of indoor plants.

Methods of pest control

Well, if you still noticed some spider beetles on a plant plant, then urgently you need to take all measures to destroy these pests:

There are chemical methods for controlling pests of indoor flowers - this is the use of various chemicals, insecticides, which cause the death of plant pests. But in closed rooms, these methods should be used with extreme caution, since they can have a toxic effect on humans and animals. There are a lot of chemical preparations, here are some of them:

To struggle with pests of houseplants it is possible and folk remedies which on efficiency can yield a little to chemistry, but harm from their health will not be any of them. Such means include onions, garlic, fragrant herbs, wood ash. They are used in the form of broths and infusions, pre-mixed with a solution of laundry soap to better adhere the solution to the surface of plants.

Creating a comfortable environment for indoor plants, you protect them from pests, and they will thank you with beautiful flowering and lush greenery.