
The form of relations in the modern world is no different from the one that was two centuries ago. The only thing is that only human morals have acquired a softer form of expression, while a person can calmly, without fear for his own life, be an adherent of free love or fidelity to the grave.

Every people from time immemorial formed the main all known forms of marriage :

So, monogamy is nothing but monogamy, a kind of family form, a marriage union. This relationship, in which there is no place for the third. The opposite of this term is polygamy. In most animals - polygamous creatures.

It is important to note that monogamy has its own laws. So the principle of monogamy is that it is legally impossible to bind oneself by marriage until one of the partners is in a registered marriage. This principle is concluded in all the rules concerning the issue of marriage in all countries of the west.

What does monogamy mean?

According to historical research, monogamy appeared after polygamy. It was believed that in ancient times it was considered quite normal phenomenon, when human society lived according to the law "Whom you want, that and take it." But this did not contribute to the survival of the family. Therefore, after a certain period of time, a historical family form emerged as a monogamy.

Thanks to her, the number of conflicts for a woman between men decreased. On the part of the father, care was begun for the descendants.

From a psychological point of view, monogamy in humans gave the person the opportunity to manifest, inherent in it, the desire for order. It has ensured the personality part of the stability in a world of uncertainty.

What is monogamy in men?

Many are interested in the question not only about what is male monogamy, but also whether it exists at all. According to statistical surveys among the stronger sex, about 45% of men are able to remain faithful to their wives.

Recently, the society has a myth that monogamy among men is a phenomenon from the realm of fantasy. But it was not there. After all, almost a part of the men of the planet are quite satisfactory when they love only one single.

It is worth noting that the doctors found a gene in the blood of some men. It turned out that he is capable of biologically programming a person to communicate not only with one woman, even despite the presence of a girlfriend of the heart. Doctors are of the opinion that not all men are able to be monogamous. the body gets used to pheromones. In this case, the traitor can not resist, say, from the body of his mistress. Gradually, he gets used to it, and sex is already something like an energetic cocktail, from which a solid good for health.

From the point of view of both physiology and psychology, treason for men is useful. Because at such times heart activity and brain functioning are improving. Men's monogamy is a conscious choice. It can be based on both moral convictions, and on fear. For example, the fear of hurting your loved one or staying with nothing in case the secret becomes obvious.

Sexologists conducted a survey on this issue and found that about 10% of men do not change their lover because of the same fear, and the remaining 35% - simply because in their young years they "worked up" a lot. It is the latter category that can not fall from the temptation of sexual women because in their spouse they find everything that they have been looking for in other women for so long.

To be a monogam or polygam is up to everyone. But, before making decisions, you need to weigh all the pros and cons.