Fictitious marriage

Marriage for love is much younger than marriage by calculation. However, earlier they had to pay for their long marital life. And since today the procedure for divorce is simplified, people have the tempting opportunity to conclude fictitious marriages, without the goal of creating a family. And as soon as a person receives the expected benefits, he can divorce.

Fictitious relations are quite common in Russia and Ukraine, and during the economic crisis, their percentage has only increased. According to statistics, every fifth marriage of Russian citizens today is fictitious.

The objectives of a fictitious marriage

The most common and expensive kind of fictitious marriage is marriage to obtain citizenship or a fictitious residence permit. Moscow suitors rate the "hand-heart-registration" set high - from three thousand dollars. A fictitious marriage with a foreigner from the far abroad will be even more expensive.

Often, the conclusion of a fictitious marriage aims to expand the living space or get a new, more expensive housing (in case of settling in "emergency" houses to be demolished). Some marriages conceal non-traditional sexual orientation.

Where to find a fictitious husband?

Of course, in newspapers or in marriage agencies you will not come across open proposals for business marriage. However, it is worth looking into the Internet to understand - that's where the Klondike enterprising suitors. On your "get married fictitiously" the search engine will respond with dozens of ads. In them there will be no standard "growth, weight, without in / n.", Instead, the cost and conditions for the conclusion of a fictitious marriage.

Matrimonial duties in a fictitious marriage

In order to obtain, for example, a fictitious residence permit or even citizenship, it is enough to make a fictitious engagement and marriage, living in the same apartment with a fictitious husband is not necessary. A more "wide range" of services is to conclude a fictitious marriage with accommodation. And, perhaps, even with the performance of marital duties.

If, as a result of such a marriage, a child is born, the word "fictitious" is revoked.

How to apply for a fictitious marriage?

The number of fictitious unions suggests that it is easy to conclude a fictitious marriage. Having found an attractive partner on the Internet, you can apply without excessive sentiment. No one can reject him. Even if the registrar sees that the elderly groom in an expensive suit is clearly on his last gasp, and the bride does not tremble with love, he has no right to refuse registration.

Illegality of legal relations and danger of fictitious marriage

Yes, fictitious marriages are illegal. However, if all the documents are genuine, then there is no criminal responsibility either in Russia or in Ukraine for such a "business" here (in some countries there is a criminal liability for a fictitious marriage, for example, in Germany - 3 years imprisonment). At us you answer before conscience, well, and before the spouse if, certainly, he not in a course, that is "the fictitious husband". However, enterprising brides quite often have to pay for fictitious relations. After all, when you marry a person who is morally ready for all sorts of scams, you can not be sure that the limits of his conscience are limited to a "fictitious marriage". Fake brides often face blackmail from spouses, which carries additional costs. Especially cautious is to be with foreign fiancees, tk. they may threaten to surrender you to the police even before you arrive in the country.

Since, according to the documents, your marriage is quite legal, you need to be prepared for the fact that the spouse may demand the division of property or financial payments. Responsibility for a fictitious marriage lies only with you, and you will hardly be able to help in court. Therefore, since you are entering into commercial relations, it is not bad to ask a future husband to receive a receipt that his intentions are not valid. In this case, you will be able to prove the fictitiousness of marriage in court (more detail in point 3 of article 29 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), when it comes to forced eviction. If you divorce, then no court can recognize marriage as fictitious.