Greasy during pregnancy

The emergence of this kind of situation, when a woman has a smear during pregnancy, causes many expectant mothers to worry. This symptom can indicate both the development of a violation, and be a variant of the norm. Let's consider this phenomenon in more detail and focus on the situation when a brown daub in pregnancy speaks of the development of a disorder.

In what cases does the daub on the approach of pregnancy - the norm?

Often, conception occurs shortly before the onset of menstruation. This situation is possible in those women who have a short menstrual cycle, and also if the monthly discharge lasts 7 days. In such situations, small bloody discharge can be observed at very short gestation times. Sometimes women think that this monthly came not in time.

When a woman has a stroke during pregnancy in the days of supposed monthly, it says, first of all, that the body has not had time to stand still.

As a rule, this phenomenon is of a single nature and can appear on a period of up to 4-6 weeks.

In what cases is the meager secretion during pregnancy a cause for concern?

It should be noted that any appearance of even the most insignificant discharge during pregnancy should be an occasion for medical advice.

Beige daub on the early stages of pregnancy can indicate a change in the hormonal background. In such cases, discharges are most often observed directly on the day of menstruation. Their appearance is facilitated by previous physical activities.

As for the blood smear, which appears in the early stages of pregnancy, most often it indicates the development of such a violation as an abruption of the placenta. At the site of the placenta itself from the surface of the endometrium, after a while, blood begins to accumulate from the injured placental vessels. A feature of the disorder is the fact that over time the volume of secretions increases, and eventually it can develop into uterine bleeding.

Pink swallowing during early pregnancy can be a sign of abnormalities such as ectopic pregnancy and fetal development fading.