How often should the child move?

For a real pregnant woman, often, a woman begins to perceive herself only when she feels the first perturbations of the future baby.

The wiggling of the fetus begins much earlier than it is customary to think. At the end of the eighth week of its intrauterine development, the first unconscious and uncoordinated movements of the embryo begin. The muscles around the mouth, the cheeks, begin to move first, probably because the sucking reflex is the main one in a newborn baby. Gradually, the movements cover all groups of muscles and the movements become more conscious.

Approximately by the twentieth week of its intrauterine development is no longer an embryo, but a fetus, begins to stir so actively that its future movements are already noticed by the future mother. Happens, that already twenty weeks, and the fruit still does not move. There are several explanations for this:

If you felt the stir much earlier - at 15-17 weeks, this is also a variant of the norm. It is generally accepted that the re-occurring perturbations begin a little earlier with each subsequent pregnancy. This is not entirely true. Since even mothers with many children have it, the first-born began to move earlier than, for example, the last child.

But here the period of the first perturbations has come, but you do not know how to understand that it is the fetus that moves, and not to be confused with the motor activity of the intestine. Wiggling of a child in someone like a bursting bubble, someone seems that inside the fish is swimming and touching the walls of the uterus, for all this happens in different ways.

It is believed that if the first stirring mom feels on the right, then there will be a boy, and if left - a girl.

How much and how often should the fetus move?

Initially, the perturbations may be irregular: in a day, or even two. But over time, the child more and more improves his motor activity, and the baby will move even more often.

At a period of 28 weeks, according to the standards of perturbations should be at least ten per day. The child's activity becomes the main indicator of his health. If the fetus moves actively and regularly - this is a good sign. And if the stirring for no apparent reason, suddenly become turbulent, it's an occasion to see a doctor, take tests, make a fetal cardiotocography, an unscheduled ultrasound. Very active perturbations may indicate a lack of oxygen.

If the diagnosis is confirmed, the future mother will be given a course of maintenance therapy and more walks in the fresh air.

After the middle of the pregnancy, violent movements can be caused by the fact that the pregnant woman, as before, rests lying on her back. In this position, the lower hollow vein is squeezed, the blood abruptly ceases to flow to the fetus, and it begins to protest.

How long can the fruit do not move?

There are situations when, on the contrary, the fetus is less moved or stopped altogether. Think, perhaps you spent the whole day on your feet, and so, with constant movement, you just did not hear the perturbations.

There are several ways how to make the fetus move. Lie down on your side and listen. Within 15 minutes the fruit will make itself felt. You can drink some sweet tea or eat something sweet. The level of glucose in the blood will rise, and the baby will immediately react.

It is normal if the fetus does not move for 3-4 hours. But if all your tricks do not lead to anything, and within 12 hours you do not hear perturbations, it's an occasion to immediately seek medical help.

By the end of pregnancy, the perturbations become less active. The baby grew and became close to his mother in the stomach. Before childbirth, he calms down, preparing for the upcoming work - his birth.