Can I do the massage pregnant?

This sweet word is massage. There are few people in the world who do not like such a blissful procedure. Especially pleasant are stroking, scratching and rubbing the women. The benefits of massage were known even in Ancient Egypt, China, Japan and India. In these countries, massage was often used to relieve the condition of pregnant women.

And yet, pregnant women often wonder whether it is possible to make a massage pregnant? And if so, what kind of massage can I use? After all, it's one thing - just a massage, another thing, if at this time you carry under your heart the most precious treasure.

So - massage to pregnant women is not contraindicated. And even on the contrary, many doctors urge women not to abandon this pleasant procedure. Of course, you need to be careful. And in general, it is desirable that the massage for pregnant women was done by a person who knows.

The need for professional massage should be judged by your doctor-gynecologist. After all, in addition to general contraindications to massage may be individual, not related to pregnancy.

The general contraindication to massage during pregnancy is the first trimester of pregnancy . During this period, when exposed to certain points on the body, various undesirable reactions may occur, up to the termination of pregnancy. Among such zones: coccyx, sacrum, heel, Achilles tendon, the base of the thumb on the arm. Massage in the early stages of pregnancy is not the best thing.

In the first three months of pregnancy, it is better to limit yourself to self-massage: a slight stroking performed by the woman herself or her loved ones. This massage calms, relieves tension, relaxes muscles.

How to make massage for pregnant women?

In general, any massage and at any time of pregnancy should be light and gentle, with smooth movements of the hands. The main areas that are recommended to massage pregnant - back, neck, shoulders, hands and feet.

Massage of the back, neck and shoulder girdle reduces the burden on the spine, which is caused by the increase in weight of the chest and abdomen. Massage of the extremities improves blood circulation, the work of systems and organs by affecting biologically active points.

All massage movements need to be done without pressure, without applying force, with relaxed hands. All stroking should be slow and rhythmic. Rubbing should be done without pressure, do not perform kneading, and vibrate only with your fingers.

The area of ​​the abdomen is not subject to massage. It can only be lightly stroked, and it's better if it's done by the pregnant woman herself. For convenience during the massage, you can put a pillow in your legs and under your stomach. Massage is performed in a sitting or lying position on the side. One session should not take more than 30-45 minutes.