Late gestosis

Usually gestosis occurs late in pregnancy and is often labeled "toxicosis". Late gestosis occurs in 7-16 percent of pregnant women, so doctors carefully examine the women at each scheduled visit.

Causes of late gestosis

There are several theories explaining the causes of late gestosis in pregnant women:

  1. Dorsal - vesial - the appearance of gestosis occurs in the body of pregnant women as neurosis, as a result of which the physiological relationships between the cortex and the subcortical elements of the brain are violated.
  2. Endocrine - explains the appearance of gestosis as a result of changes in the functions of endocrine organs.
  3. Immunological - is the assumption of changes in blood vessels, organs and tissues due to inadequate response of the pregnant woman's immunity to the fetal tissue antigens, resulting in signs of late gestosis.
  4. Genetic - confirmed by statistics on the hereditary appearance of signs of late gestosis.
  5. Placental - is based on the absence of changes necessary for feeding the uterus during pregnancy.

Signs of gestosis at late stages

Late gestosis during pregnancy is manifested by the following symptoms:

Complications of late gestosis

Gestosis late in life can cause preeclamation , for which the characteristic symptoms are swelling of the limbs, the appearance of protein in the urine, hypertension and reflex changes. Also in this case, you may experience frequent headaches, nausea and vomiting, pain in the right upper quadrant.

Also, with gestosis, there may be an eclampsia, manifested by seizures, a series of convulsive seizures, and coma of different duration. Therefore, if the pregnant woman exhibits late gestosis, then treatment of the disease should be performed immediately.

Prophylaxis of late gestosis

In order to avoid the appearance of gestosis late in pregnancy, it is necessary to adhere to a diet and not eat sharp, salted, fried, canned, flour and sweet foods. The daily rate of fluid intake should not be more than 1.5 liters. Walking in the open air, mainly in the evening, is an effective way to prevent gestosis.