Bitterness in the mouth during pregnancy

The time of bearing a baby is not easy for any woman, during this period all sorts of diseases are often aggravated. Even if the future mother is healthy, she may have constant bitterness in her pregnancy during pregnancy, and the woman does not know what to do, because it's unbearable to tolerate it. Let's look at its causes and in ways to remove unpleasant symptoms.

Why does pregnancy cause bitterness in the mouth?

First of all, you should make sure that the causes of bitterness in the mouth during pregnancy are not associated with the disease. To do this, you need to visit a gastroenterologist and undergo the necessary examination. Even the occurrence of bitterness at a certain time of the day can already speak of the following:

  1. Short-term bitterness can occur due to a surge of emotions or taking certain medications.
  2. Constant bitterness occurs with GI, liver (cholecystitis), mental and endocrine disorders, as well as oncology of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. The taste of bitterness in the mouth after eating during pregnancy is caused by overeating and the inability of the liver to cope with the digestion of food, especially heavy food.
  4. Morning bitterness in the mouth often occurs due to problems with the gall bladder, which produces an increased amount of bile.

Usually, the feeling of bitterness in the mouth during pregnancy can appear in a woman, and before that, suffering from gastrointestinal diseases. Or, this condition manifests itself suddenly after 20 weeks, when the uterus actively increases and squeezes the internal organs due to which there is a violation in the digestive work.

But the most characteristic for almost 90% of pregnant women is heartburn, which, in addition to burning in the esophagus, sometimes causes a bitter taste. It arises for the same reason - the uterus has increased and squeezed the internal organs, and therefore there is a throw of the contents of the stomach into the esophagus.

Since the gastric juices have a fairly high acidity, they irritatively affect the walls of the esophagus, as if eating it.

But the bitterness in the mouth in the early stages of pregnancy is manifested by the fact that due to the hormonal changes that have occurred in the body, the content of progesterone responsible for the preservation of the fetus has sharply increased.

This hormone acts relaxing on muscle tissue. Including the valve (gatekeeper), which separates the esophagus from the stomach. Thus, it passes through itself a part of the contents of the digestive tract in the opposite direction.

How to deal with feelings of bitterness in the mouth during pregnancy?

The most natural for natural mums are the safest, as well as a change in the diet, which plays a major role in the fight against bitterness in the throat during pregnancy.

First, you need to give up a lot of feast. It is required to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions, but in such a way that the time interval between meals is at least 2 hours.

Since bitterness in the mouth during pregnancy occurs late in the evening and at night, after eating, you can not go to bed immediately. You should wait for a two-hour interval, and afterwards take a horizontal position.

Secondly, fatty foods, all spicy, salty and chocolate, should be removed for a while from your table. After all, these products overload the already weakly coping with its task the digestive system.

Very well helps from bitterness in throat milk. It is enough to drink a few sips and the condition is much improved. Similarly, there are sunflower seeds and various nuts, but they should not be abused to avoid indigestion. But soda should not be taken, although it removes unpleasant symptoms. It can provoke pain in the stomach, exacerbation of the ulcer, gastritis and cause swelling.

Of the drugs approved for use by pregnant women, Maalox, Gaviscon, Rennie and Almagel should be singled out , but they are not recommended for a long time. Be that as it may, when the baby is born, unpleasant sensations will pass without a trace.