Hypertrophic gingivitis

The disease is an inflammatory process of the gums, characterized by their proliferation and the formation of the gingival pockets. There is an increase in the size of the interdental papillae, and a number of disorders are observed. Hypertrophic gingivitis is accompanied by gum bleeding , burning, discomfort when chewing and brushing teeth. As a rule, hormonal failure is a factor in the development of the disease, which teenagers and pregnant women often face.

Chronic hypertrophic gingivitis

The peculiarity of this pathology consists in a rapid increase in the number of tissue gum cells. To give a push to their growth hormonal disturbances or external factors, for example, mistakes at imposing of a seal or at installation of a prosthesis can cause.

As a rule, the ailment affects the upper parts of the jaw in the frontal region.

Consider two forms of this pathology:

  1. The fibrous form of hypertrophic gingivitis is characterized by the growth of the gingival papillae, which have a pale pink hue. They have a dense structure and at the same time bleeding. As a rule, patients complain only of non-aesthetics.
  2. Hypertrophic gingivitis with edematous form is manifested by edema of the gingival papillae, swelling and cyanosis. The surface of the gums is loose, dents remain when touched, and bleeding may occur when probing. Patients are concerned about pain when chewing and brushing their teeth.

Treatment of hypertrophic gingivitis

After identifying the cause of the ailment, the doctor cleans the oral cavity. The next stage of therapy depends on the form of the disease. When edematous form on the patient site, impregnated with medicinal turundas, fibrous - in the papillae inject a solution of Lidase, diluted with Novocain.

The doctor prescribes physiotherapy: