Symptoms of pancreatic disease

The pancreas is one of the most vulnerable organs in the human body. Iron is absolutely incapable of neutralizing harmful substances that come to it and therefore is exposed to their effects by 100%. And since she is responsible for the production of many digestive enzymes and the hormone insulin, it becomes the primary source of such a disease as diabetes. When the gland becomes inflamed, toxins enter the bloodstream, which leads to a gradual poisoning of the body.

Causes of pancreatic disease

As already mentioned, the pancreas is susceptible to various harmful substances entering it. Basically, these substances enter the body with food. Everyone knows that eating fatty, spicy, smoked and too flavored food means to speed up the approach of its end. About alcohol, tobacco and fast food in general and say nothing. In addition to malnutrition, you can indicate the following causes of pancreatic disease:

The first and subsequent signs of pancreatic disease

Symptoms of pancreatic disease can manifest themselves in different ways. It is worth mentioning:

  1. Pain in the abdomen, sometimes giving back and lower back. Pain in pancreatic disease is the first sign that there are violations in the body.
  2. The food leaving the intestine has a curd texture and contains pieces that are not digested to the end. The chair may be greyish, have a bad smell and appear greasy.
  3. Signs of food poisoning (nausea, vomiting, fever, lack of appetite).
  4. Pain that occurs when the area is probed above the navel.

All of the above symptoms only indirectly indicate a disease.

Diagnosis of pancreatic diseases

If you have crept into suspicions of having health problems, it is always better to contact the doctor and find out for sure what is going on in your body. This is especially true of pancreatic diseases, as they usually develop rapidly.

The doctor knows exactly how to determine the disease of the pancreas. The hospital has the opportunity to conduct a detailed examination and begin treatment immediately. Analyzes in the disease of the pancreas are always directed at the study of the biochemical composition of the blood. As an additional examination, ultrasound is performed, with the help of which it is possible to determine if the shape and size of the gland is changed.

Prevention of pancreatic diseases

Prevention of the disease is as important as its treatment. If you value your health, then the following foods should be excluded from your diet:

Try not to overeat, divide the intake of food into several stages. Food should be able to digest. Do not mix sweet, sour and salty - it certainly will not do you any good. Noticing the pain in the area of ​​the stomach or intestines, it is better to starve for a while. No wonder they say that the famine heals.

Regardless of what signs of pancreatic disease you have, contact your doctor immediately. In this case, every day spent is important, as the disease most often progresses quickly and can lead to both a fatal outcome and severe complications.