Indoor blossoming flowers - the best species that you can decorate your house

Many to decorate the premises choose room flowers blossoming, which will please the eye. It is important when choosing to pay attention not only to the main characteristics, but also the requirements for care, otherwise buds may not form on the bushes.

Home flowers blooming flowers

Plants that are grown indoors are indoor. They are divided into several groups and the most valuable are the flowering cultures. Some plants, if they meet a number of requirements, will please the rich with flowering for a long time. Beautiful flowering indoor flowers will become bright accents in different interiors.

Unpretentious room blooming flowers

Many because of lack of time and desire to refuse the flowers, not knowing that there are cultures that do not require the organization of special conditions. There are the most unpretentious flowering houseplants:

  1. Balsam. Overflow can be observed for about a year, but in winter it will be necessary to use artificial lighting. Every 3-4 years you need a transplant and rejuvenation, otherwise bloom decreases. Loves the indoor plant moisture, so you need not only watering, but also spraying.
  2. Pelargonium. The plant is similar to geranium, but its flowers are much larger, and the smell of leaves is practically absent. For abundant flowering, and to make shrubs compact, spring pruning is carried out.
  3. Coller. An unpretentious plant that will please with flowering in the penumbra. Flowers in the form of a bell are bright and beautiful colors. Once a month you should use fertilizers for orchids in liquid form. Pots should be in pallets with expanded clay and water.

Shade-loving blooming indoor plants

It is not always possible to put a plant in a place where there is a lot of light, so it is worth choosing flowers that develop well in the shade. Choose such beautiful shade-tolerant indoor flowering plants:

  1. Clevia. To every year to observe the flowering, winter rest and proper care are important. The flowers are campanulate and connected to the inflorescence on a high peduncle. Do not allow excessive watering, and during flowering, carry out feeding every two weeks.
  2. Vriesia. Bright plant of the bromeliad family. The flower is like a torch. For abundant flowering, you need a stable temperature of 19-28 ° C and a constant moistening of the rosette.
  3. Hypocorta. Semi-shrub, which will please with beautiful flowering. It is valued for decorative foliage and abundant long flowering. Indoor flower begins to please the appearance of buds from the summer or the beginning of autumn. Flowers are bloated and tubular. To flowering was abundant you need to carry out frequent pruning and provide a cool wintering.

Ornamental flowering house plants

Add your home coziness with properly selected plants. Decorative-blossoming indoor flowers have proved themselves well:

  1. Primrose. An excellent plant for decorating window sills and shelves. They are pleased with rich green leaves and bright flowers. Regularly there are new shades of colors. With proper care, you can observe the flowering all year round. Watch for watering, which should be done when the soil dries up, and fertilizing is useful every two weeks.
  2. Anthurium. Exotic indoor blooming plant, which is called "male happiness." The culture is simple in care and adapts well to the climate in the apartment. The plant has wide leaves and unusual flowers with a cob.
  3. Spathiphyllum. A popular flower that is easy to clean. It looks very gentle, so on a background of dark green foliage there are white flowers that look like callas.

Constantly blooming indoor plants

The most popular are flower crops, which please with beautiful flowering, but do not require special care. If you are interested in what indoor flowers bloom all year round, then pay attention to such plants:

  1. Geranium. The flower is known for its sharp odor, which insects fear. There are a huge number of species with different colors of flowers. Resting from the flowering plant from December to January.
  2. Begonia. The Latin name of this culture is "begonia is always flowering." Flowering is abundant, but to care flower undemanding.

Houseplants blooming in winter

Most flowers cease to bloom from the middle of October, but there are cultures that can decorate a boring winter landscape. In demand such indoor flowers, blooming in winter:

  1. Cyclamen. Enjoy the flowering can be from autumn and until spring. Flowers are like butterflies, and they are on tall peduncles. It is important to follow the rules of watering. Note that the plant is poisonous.
  2. Decembrist. From the name it is clear that the indoor flower blossom will be pleased with beautiful bright flowers in December. At this time, abundant watering is important.
  3. Azalea. The most popular is the Indian species, which is not so whimsical as other varieties of this culture. With proper care, flowering is very abundant, that you can not even see the leaves.

Curly Houseplants Blooming

To decorate the premises, you can use vines, which can decorate arches, parts of walls and so on. Such indoor flower blossoms-lianas are popular:

  1. Azarina. The plant is often grown as an annual culture. The maximum height is 4 m. Flowers can be pink, blue, white and lavender.
  2. Passionflower. Room flower blooming flower can grow up to 8 m. Liana blooms profusely and for a long time. Houseplants are heat-loving and fertilize from March to September three times a month.
  3. Kobeia. Liana has beautiful openwork leaves and blooms bells lilac or white. The height reaches 3-5 m. In the first year, flowering can be scarce.

Flowering indoor trees

Decorate the interior can be beautiful trees that have not only attractive foliage, but with proper care blossom.

  1. Chinese rose (hibiscus). The plant grows up to 3 m. It does not like interventions, so it is worthwhile to establish its permanent growing place right away.
  2. Room maple. Many indoor blossoming flowers love light and this tree as well. In height, it reaches 1.5 m. To flowering lasts throughout the winter, the air temperature should not be more than 15 ° C.
  3. Hamedoraea. Blooming room palm is unpretentious. It grows to two meters. Blossoms with unusual small yellow flowers with a beautiful aroma.

The most beautiful flowering indoor flowers

It is clear that each person has his own taste, so everyone can have their favorites. We offer to pay attention to exotic flowering indoor flowers:

  1. Strelitzia. In people, the flower is called a "bird of paradise", because it has unusually bright flowers. He likes sunny and wet places, and plenty of watering in the summer. For growth and flowering, top-dressing is important from March to August.
  2. Calceolaria. There are many species with different colors of flowers and more often they are grown as annuals. The pot is put in a bright place, at a temperature of no more than 20 ° C. For this room flowering flower you need copious watering and daily top dressing.