Fish on the grill on the grill

The second most popular ingredient, which is most often cooked on the grill, is fish. Light aroma of haze and speed of roasting - only the tip of the iceberg of all those pluses that conceals the cooking on the coals, since the most important advantage of this technique is still the ability to fry absolutely any fish, regardless of its breed, fat content, fleshiness and tenderness . On how to fry fish on the grill on the grill, read on.

Red fish on the grill on the grill - recipe



Divide the fish fillets into 4 pieces and make sure that each bone is completely removed. Prepare a mixture for fish by combining the sugar with a pinch of sea salt, dried onions and garlic, paprika and flakes of hot pepper. Rub the fish pulp mixture with spices and place it on the grill grate directly over the burning coals. Sprinkle all with lemon juice and cook the fish for about 8 minutes.

Fish in foil on the grill on the grill



Gutted fish cut the carcass slightly along the torso on both sides and lavishly salt sea salt. In the blender bowl, put the leaves of rosemary, tarragon, thyme, mint and parsley. Then add the ginger root, peeled chives and pour in the oil. Pry all the ingredients together and grate the fish with a fragrant marinade. After half an hour, kindle the coals. Fish wrap the foil and put it on the grate directly over the coals. Fry for 5-6 minutes on each side.

How to cook shish kebab from a fish on a grill on a grill?

If you are planning a barbecue party in the form of a buffet table, this recipe will serve you brilliant service. Soak a handful of wooden skewers in the water, plant the pieces of fish in a sweet-salted Asian marinade, fry for a couple of minutes and surprise the guests with an original hot snack.



Cut the fish fillets from the skin, remove the bones, if any, and cut the pulp into cubes of 2.5-3 cm thick. Whisk together the butter with sauces and lime juice. Dip the fish in a marinade and leave for half an hour. After, put the marinated pieces on the skewers, lay them on the grill and fry for a couple of minutes on each side, regularly lubricating the marinade.

Fish on the grill on the barbecue entirely

If you plan to bake whole fish, do not miss the chance to fill the flesh with an abundance of aromas of fresh herbs, because this can be done simply by laying the latter in the abdominal cavity.



While the coals are inflaming, we have enough time to gut and wash the fish. Clean trout salt sea salt outside and in the abdominal cavity, one carcass will go somewhere in a teaspoon.

One of the lemons is cut into rings and put into the abdominal cavity of both fish. Remain the remaining lemon on the carcasses from above. Following the lemon slices in the abdomen of the fish, place the sprigs of basil and parsley, as well as garlic cloves passed through the press. Pinch the abdominal walls with toothpicks and spread the fish on the grill. Roasting the trout on the coals will take about 7 minutes on each side.