How to treat the pancreas with medicines and folk methods?

Annually, more and more patients are trying to find out how to treat the pancreas. Because of the unbalanced nutrition, stress and bad habits with various symptoms of the disease of this organ of the digestive system, almost all people face. They are exposed to both women and men, and, of any age.

Diseases of the pancreas

This body is considered one of the most important in the digestive system. Failure in its functioning is felt for the whole organism. It provokes the dysfunction of neighboring organs. Here what diseases of the pancreas occur more often:

  1. Pancreatitis is a disease that can occur in acute and chronic forms. With the first type of flow, inflammation and destruction of the pancreatic tissue is observed.
  2. Oncological disease - cancer at the initial stage can be accompanied by nonspecific symptoms. In the active stage, the tumor accelerates. As the disease progresses, the patient experiences "cancerous depletion". With the growth of the tumor, a number of organs are squeezed. Education can sprout in them, which causes a malfunction in their work.
  3. Cysts on the pancreas - the formations can be localized in any area of ​​this organ, but more often they are found on the body and tail. If the capsules are small (less than 5 cm), they do not give the patient unpleasant sensations. Cysts can cause more pain, increased fever and rapid weight loss.
  4. Stones in the pancreas are formed both in the parenchyma and in the ducts. More often calcinates appear after pancreatitis .
  5. Diabetes mellitus - due to dysfunction of the gland organ produces insufficient amount of insulin. As a result, this causes the development of this disease.

Which doctor treats the pancreas?

In the fight against the ailments of this body, several specialists can come to the rescue:

Everything depends on the nature of the disease. At the first unpleasant sensations it is necessary to address to the therapist. This doctor knows how to treat the pancreas and to whom to send the patient in an aggravation of the situation. However, the therapist will first recommend a diagnostic test:

After examining the results, the therapist can refer the patient to the gastroenterologist. If the tests showed that there is a high glucose content in the blood, the endocrinologist will be engaged in the subsequent treatment. Another doctor who treats the pancreas is a surgeon. To him, a man falls into a fit of acute pancreatitis. After hospitalization, the patient is put on a dropper and injects pain medication. Such medication is aimed at removing an acute attack. After the surgeon examines the patient for ulcer, appendicitis or stones.

What medicines to treat the pancreas?

Drug therapy helps to cope with such problems simultaneously:

Coping with all this will help drugs to treat the pancreas. They should be appointed only by the doctor: self-medication can aggravate the situation. In the treatment of a complex approach is important. In the treatment, such medicamentous and non-medicamentous agents can be used:

What pills to treat the pancreas?

In therapy, medications with different effects can be used. If the pancreas is inflamed, what to treat - which pills:

All these medicines are antispasmodics. They help to remove pain. At the same time can be appointed antacids. These drugs reduce the acidity of the gastric juice, which provides the pancreas with functional rest and helps it to recover more quickly. More often prescribed such medications:

The doctor knows how to treat pancreas with pills, so he will prescribe enzyme drugs. This group of drugs does not restore organ function. They deliver enzymes, thus normalizing the process of digestion. More often these drugs are prescribed:

In how to treat inflammation of the pancreas, antibiotics have proved to be good. Such drugs prevent the development of possible complications. More often these antibiotics are prescribed:

In complex therapy, medicines can be prescribed that help to get rid of such negative symptoms:

Pancreas injections

In acute pain, such injections can be prescribed:

Before treating the pancreas at home, you need to consult a doctor. When the inflammatory process becomes aggravated, he can prescribe such injections:

More often at the same time with antispasmodics prescribed such antihistamines:

Supplements for the treatment of pancreas

In the domestic market there are a lot of additives that help to normalize the work of the digestive tract. Before treating the pancreas at home with these pills, it is important to consult a doctor. He will help to choose the best option and prescribe the desired dosage. Such popular dietary supplements are very popular:

We treat the pancreas folk remedies

With complex therapy, alternative methods can be used. However, their use must be coordinated with the attending physician, because the ineptly selected self-help means will cause a lot of harm. The doctor will help you figure out what to treat the pancreas during an exacerbation. He will draw up a chart and indicate a safe and at the same time effective dosage of the "preparation".

Herbs for treating the pancreas

Phytotherapy is very effective in the treatment of diseases of the digestive system. However, the herbs treating the pancreas must be agreed with the doctor. Each such plant has contraindications to use. He will weigh all the pros and cons, and then he will pick the best option. Here's what herbs treat the pancreas:

Flax seeds for pancreas

This folk remedy has many useful properties:

  1. Enveloping - flaxseeds are rich in water-soluble fiber. When they get into the digestive tract, immediately cover the walls of the stomach and intestines with a protective film.
  2. Cholagogue - these seeds excel well bile.
  3. Improvement of motility - when consumed, the risk of constipation and frustration is minimized.
  4. Stimulation of immunity - this "drug" will not only help cure pancreatitis, but will also strengthen the protective armor of the body.
  5. Slows down the process of cell division - this helps prevent the development of oncogenes.

It is not enough to know how to treat the pancreas with folk remedies, you still need to take them correctly. This is also true for flax seeds. In order to maximize the effect of their use, one should adhere to such recommendations:

  1. Drink at least 2 liters of water a day.
  2. Reduce salt intake.
  3. Cook from the seeds of flax kiseli (for a glass of water 1 tablespoon of raw materials) and consume them fresh.

Propolis for the treatment of the pancreas

This bee product is very effective in diseases of the digestive system. Apitherapist knows how to treat the pancreas with propolis. He will tell the patient about the positive effect of this product on the digestive system. Propolis has the following properties:

By prescribing propolis for the pancreas, the apitherapy recipes will select the ones that will prove to be the most effective. More often at this disease are appointed:

How to treat the pancreas - diet

On how the person will eat, his condition depends. Before treating the pancreas during the exacerbation phase, the patient needs to refrain from taking any food for a few days. In this period, you can only drink mineral non-carbonated water "Borjomi" and broth of wild rose. Hunger will help relieve the pancreas. As a result, it will recover faster. Starting with the third day of therapy, a diet is prescribed for the treatment of the pancreas. It provides for a gradual expansion of the food ration and an increase in the calorie content of the meals consumed.

What can not be eaten when the pancreas hurts?

Compose a detailed menu will help the doctor. He knows how to treat inflamed pancreas and what can be consumed. The doctor will explain to the patient in detail what caused these or other food restrictions. If the pancreas hurts, what not to eat:

The pancreas hurts - what can you eat?

Diet in the aggravated disease is strict. If the pancreas is inflamed - what can you eat: