How to wash the microwave?

Microwave - a very convenient thing. If you want, cook delicious meals and surprise culinary masterpieces with the whole family. If you want, quickly defrost the food from the freezer. And when you run home for lunch yourself for an hour, the microwave oven is just a wand. Food warms up in a matter of seconds, and for the son or daughter-schoolgirl is easy to use. But there is among all this splendor one problematic question - how easy and quick to wash the greasy microwave from the accumulated dirt and fat? And you know, in fact, this question is solved simply. Here are some effective recommendations on this score.

How to wash a greasy microwave with a wet sponge?

This, perhaps, is the simplest and cheapest way of all the existing ones. And they are very popular with very many mistresses. Take the usual kitchen sponge, the one that washes the dishes. Generously moisten it in hot water, put in a microwave and turn on the oven for 1.5-2 minutes. After turning off the sponge remove, and remove grease and dirt with a damp soft cloth.

How easy and quick to wash a greasy microwave with water and lemon?

Another way to quickly clean the greasy microwave is also simple and inexpensive. In a transparent vessel, pour a little water and cut the lemon into it. Put the capacity in the oven and turn it on for 15 minutes. After this time, remove water from the microwave, and wipe the dirt off the walls with a soft damp cloth. If there was no lemon in the farm, the usual citric acid would do. Pour it into the water in the amount of several teaspoons and the effect will be the same.

How to wash a greasy microwave with a "grandmother" solution?

The next version of the fight against dirt in the microwave is an old recipe, born not by one generation, a recipe born in the light, when microwave ovens were not yet, but there were already smooth enamel coatings. It is very effective and, like the previous two options, cheap and simple.

In a transparent container pour hot water in the amount of about a liter. In the same capacity add a tablespoon with a mountain or calcined, or ordinary baking soda and 1 / 3-1 / 4 part of a piece of laundry soap, rubbed on a large grater. Mix everything thoroughly and put it in the microwave. Turn on the stove for 15 minutes, and after this time, as in the previous cases, a rag in your hands and forward. The result will be stunning.

How to quickly and easily wash salted microwave with modern means?

And, finally, to clean the dirt in the microwave can be done with the help of chemistry. Modern household industry offers many tools for cleaning delicate surfaces. For example, the Russian "sanita-gel" for plates and ovens or a foreign remedy for a company AMWAY. Both the one and the other drug are simply applied to the contaminated surface, waiting for a certain amount of time, and then washed off with warm water and a soft cloth.

Their advantage over folk methods is a higher efficiency. But still it's chemically aggressive, which can corrode the skin of the hands and cause allergies. Handle them with extreme caution, only clean the gloves and open the windows. Well, and those women who already have an allergy to some household products, and they know about it, to use such cleaners is simply contraindicated. So they are left with folk ways, which, in general, cope with the task no worse than store. After all, the main thing is the result, and by what methods it is achieved, the question is the tenth, is not it?