How to clear a frying pan from the deposit?

Remember the children's verse fairy tale "Fedorino Mountain", when one lazy lady did not wash her plates and pans, and they, offended, left her to look for another kind and caring hostess? And how are your frying pans, are they also crying from the fact that long ago they covered themselves with a thick fur coat from the deposit, and the mistress does not hurry to release them from this terrible captivity? Well, of course not. After all, you're not Fedor from a fairy tale, there's so much purity around! Come on, girls, share how this works out for you, how and what you can clean any frying pan from burning and from carbon so that it shines like a sun.

How to clean the ceramic frying pan from the burning and from the carbon deposits, the advice from Elena

There are many wonderful ways to clean the frying pan from the sludge, but my favorite method is the following: take a large enamel saucepan, 10 liters, fill it with 2/3 of hot water, add to it the shavings of a two-hundred-gram piece of laundry soap and a couple of handfuls of soda ash. Instead of soap, you can take and any dishwashing detergent, "Fairy" or "Gala", for example. Stir the mixture thoroughly until the soap is completely dissolved, if used. Then place in this solution a stuck frying pan and put it on the fire. When the mixture boils, turn down the fire to a minimum, so that only a little gurgle, and boil your frying pan for an hour and a half or two. After that, remove the saucepan from the mixture from the fire, remove the frying pan and, putting it in a sink under a stream of hot running water, rub it gently with a sponge. All the deposit, as a hand, will remove. The same recipe I use and in order to clean the carbon from the Teflon or aluminum frying pan.

How to clean the frying pan from the sink with a dishwasher, advice from Arina

And I to clean my frying pans from grease and carbon, just put them in the dishwasher. I turn it on to the maximum mode, and after 2-3 cycles of run, all the garbage from them descends, like scales from a fish, it is necessary only to brush harder and rinse with clean water. That's only, unfortunately, aluminum and Teflon frying pans can not be cleaned, the entire protective layer comes off. And without it, food burns, you know.

How to clean carbon from a frying pan made of cast iron, advice from Yana

And I still have an old grandmother's cast-iron frying pan. You know, it's so heavy and black. Pancakes on it turn out - just mind you take! I clean it so. I light the gas, put the frying pan on the burner, and evenly fill the bottom with salt or soda with a layer of 2/3 of the height of the frying pan. After about 20 minutes I remove the frying pan from the fire, free it from the contents and put it under cold water. I take a metal washcloth in my hands and quickly scrape off everything that has lagged behind. Well, if the nagar is too stubborn, I ask my husband to work with a drill. He has such a round nozzle with metal villi, so she instantly cleans everything up.

There is one more option, which also helps to clean the cast iron frying pan. But it is suitable only for those who have a fireplace or a sauna with a wood stove. Take a cast-iron frying pan and put it for 5 minutes on hot coals. Then all the same metal washcloth in hands and three with zeal. At me, on my word, it turns out great.

How to clean a burnt frying pan from carbon deposits with the help of modern cleaning products, advice from Jeanne

Methods are, of course, good, but I prefer modern cleaning products from the store. For example, the Israeli "Shumavit" or the Russian "Shumanit." Another good scourer for frying pans is in Amway. Cleaning them is quite simple and relatively quick. Take a burnt pan, turn it upside down and apply a cleanser. Leave the frying pan for a couple of hours, for fidelity and against the smell it can also be covered with a sachet. After the specified time, come to the kitchen and with light movements of hands with the help of a sponge and a jet of running water, everything is washed off. Just do not forget to put on gloves and open the window wider. The store tools are rather aggressive, they will get on your skin, burn two days.

As you can see, there are plenty of ways to clean the frying pans from the deposit. Choose any and act. And your frying pans will forget what a fur coat is made of carbon.