How to remove the spools from clothes?

Most people believe that they need to be grateful for the spools on the clothes by machine washing, poor-quality material of the clothing itself, or an incorrect sock. This is partly true, however, if you buy clothes in expensive boutiques and wash it only by hand, the spools will sooner or later appear. And how to be, after all visually things, on which the spools appeared, look so not aesthetically !?

So how do you remove the spools from your clothes? This question is asked by many women. To somehow remove the spools from clothes, some use a razor, some toothbrush, and there are those who do this with the help of machines designed specifically for removing spools from clothing.

Let's figure out which of the methods is most effective. To do this, we need to consider each method that would understand how to use it to remove the spools from clothing.

A razor to help or the first way to get rid of spools

Now you will learn how using a conventional blade you can permanently remove the spools from clothes. For this purpose only old razors of the Soviet type will fit, it is very important and highly desirable that they be slightly dull to avoid accidentally removing excess from the thing or even worse not to remain without a piece of a finger. After observing all security measures, gently pull the thing itself, so that the fabric does not sag, and cut the pellets with a razor, gradually, neatly, without hurrying anywhere, because one wrong move and thing will forever be spoiled. The process is certainly laborious and long, but effective enough, because with it you can for a long time forget about how to remove the spools from clothes. When using this method, do not forget to treat the side seams on the outside with the shaver, because when rubbing with hands, the appearance of pellets is simply inevitable.

Toothbrush is an effective ally in the fight against pellets

"But how to clean a thing from Angora wool or mohair from spools, because a razor can do harm to things made from such tender materials?" - for sure you will ask. Really use the shaving machine in this case is not recommended, instead, to remove spools from clothes, use a soft toothbrush. In order to get rid of the spools on clothes in this way, the brush must be directed along the fluffy fibers when cleaning, if you comb the sweater or jacket the product will be spoiled. Particular attention should be paid to elbows.

As soon as you remove the spools from knitted clothes made from mohair, soak it for half an hour in warm water with the addition of vinegar, after this procedure the thing will become fluffy, be sure to dry clothes by laying on a dry towel away from direct sunlight or heaters. You should know that removing trimmings on clothing in this way will have to be repeated very often.

And a couple of effective ways to remove the spools from clothes

If you do not want to take the time to get rid of the spools on clothes in a hand, then get for these purposes a special machine for removing spools from clothes. It works on batteries, can clean not only clothes, but also furniture, carpets, plush toys.

You can try to remove the spools from your clothes with the help of fine sandpaper - how effective it is to judge you, but in fact this method is not very common.

Also, there is a method that involves the removal of spools from clothes using scotch tape. It's all very simple - you stick a strip on a thing, and then sharply tears off the cattle. Finally, if all of the above ways of getting rid of clothes spools is not for you, then safely buy a new thing and do not take your time. After all, in any case, getting rid of spools will not be easy, especially there are no guarantees that after a while they will not appear again.