Drawing henna on the body

The art of mehendi - the painting of the body with the help of henna, is rooted in the far past, but the peak of its popularity it reached in India in the 12th century. Initially, the drawings for the body of henna made exclusively for practical purposes. Pigmented henna skin was better cooled, and the crushed plant had a curative effect on it. Later ornaments, patterns and drawings of henna on the body began to serve as decorations, part of the rich culture of the East and Asia. In the CIS countries, a few years ago, henna was used exclusively for dyeing and healing hair, and today the scope of the magical natural pigment has significantly expanded. The dye, given to mankind by nature, has become an integral part of the image of girls who seek to look original. The technique of painting henna on the body allows you to apply to the skin pictures that eventually disappear. Decorating with ornaments can be any part of the body, but most often the drawings are applied to the hands, feet, back and shoulders.

Alternative to tattoos

Many people mistakenly believe that mehendi is a tattoo, but a temporary, unstable one. In fact, the execution of drawings on the body with the help of applying henna is an art that gives peace, peace, energy of life. Unlike tattoos, when the pigment is injected with a needle under the top layer of the skin, henna is applied from above. At the same time, there are no painful sensations and discomfort. In addition, experienced masters even the most complex sketches realize quickly enough, and henna paintings on the body stand several times cheaper than tattoos that occupy a similar skin area. Draw a pattern of henna, which is sold in tubes in the finished form, you can and yourself at home. And, of course, mehendi - a temporary pattern, unlike a tattoo that will remain on the body for life. If all the rules of applying the composition to the skin are observed, the pattern will be visible no longer than two weeks. Mehendi is a unique opportunity to change jewelry, place them on different parts of the body, experiment with the sizes and colors of patterns. There are no contraindications to the drawings of henna. And even more! This plant is able to rejuvenate the skin , have a therapeutic effect on it.

Whimsical ornaments made with henna, as if composed of magical lines, curls, points that serve not only as decoration, but also act as a mysterious symbol, a talisman. In the Oriental, Asian and North African cultures, each picture carries a certain meaning, but modern girls often take their taste and vision of beauty when choosing a pattern. Even in the photo, it can be seen that the drawings on the body of henna are a subtle way of decorating, which is both mystical and erotic.

Features of mehendi

Despite the absence of strict rules, some recommendations for creating patterns on the body with the help of henna should still be adhered to, so that the picture looked harmonious. First, before applying the composition with the coloring natural pigment, it is necessary to clean the skin and moisten it properly with a cream. Then the figure is applied to the body with henna and the composition should dry completely. After two hours, dry remnants of the mixture are removed with a damp cloth or a small amount of water without any means (soap, gel). During the first days the pattern will be pale, and then a more saturated shade is acquired. From the fifth to the sixth day after the application procedure, the pattern will fade, disappearing completely towards the end of the second week. If you can not apply patterns yourself, you can purchase special stencils, with which henna drawings on the body are made quickly and easily.