Stone Sodalite - Magic Properties

For most jewelry lovers, the name of this stone - sodalite - will not say much. Nevertheless, it was known to the ancient Incas, who loved and appreciated it, widely used to make amulets, as well as for cladding the floors and walls of their palaces. But the Europeans met him only two centuries ago. This mineral has other names: it can be called hakmanite or alomite.

It has a wide color spectrum: from milky white to black, but most often there is a blue or blue stone with light veins.

Magic charm of sodalite

Stone sodalite, as astrologers say, has magical properties.

  1. It is peculiar to him to develop from his master extraordinary abilities, which enable him to influence his fate, both his own and others'.
  2. Women who wear beads made from this mineral acquire amazing attractiveness and charm.
  3. Sodalite shows magical properties, if it is used not only by women, but also by men. The stone helps them to put their thoughts in order, decide on goals and tasks and outline ways to achieve them.
  4. He helps to find a way out of the most difficult situations, and those who are directly connected with magic, use it in meditations.

Stone sodalite shows its properties when it is known to whom it fits in amulets. It is believed that the guard stones work most purposefully if they are worn by teachers, people engaged in science and business.

As for the astrological affiliation of this or that zodiacal constellation, today this question remains open. Sodalite stone has medicinal properties, but the sign of the Zodiac behind it is not fixed yet, since there is no unanimity about who to "attribute" to. That's why any of us can use this stone as an amulet .