How to make a collage of desires correctly?

Many want their wishes to come true thanks to the waving of the magic wand, but as long as this remains unreal, there are other options. Recently, information on how to make a collage of desires correctly is quite relevant, because with its help you can significantly increase the chances of realizing your own goals . Visualization is an important component in life. Through the eyes of a person receives a lot of information that helps to include a certain program.

How to make a collage of desires?

There are different options, for example, the annual, affecting all life spheres, as well as thematic, the action of which is directed exclusively to one sphere. The principle of their compilation, in general, is the same. You can also highlight individual and family collages. In the first case, the action is intended solely for one person, and in the second option, the interests of the whole family are taken into account, and it must be done collectively.

You can create a collage of desires both on a computer, for example, in the program Photoshop, and with your own hands, cutting images from magazines. There are no special restrictions in its manufacture, so you can make it on the paper or create an entire album. In order to collect all the pictures can take a lot of time, but the result will be worth it.

Tips on how to make a collage of desires correctly:

  1. The ideal time for manufacturing is the period from 1 to 5 lunar days. Favorable is also the birthday and the lunar day when you were born. You can start making a collage in the New Year.
  2. It's worth starting with making a list of your own desires. Due to this, the risk of forgetting something is minimized, and the list can be improved.
  3. When selecting images, consider that their size should be appropriate for the purpose of the image. For example, if you fasten a ring, it should not be more than a car or a house. It is also important to inspect the cutting from each side, so that there are no bad inscriptions.
  4. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to stick your photo next to each picture. It is especially easy to do this if a collage or wish card is created on the computer. Thanks to this, the visualization effect will increase.
  5. You must fill in all the free space. If the global desires are over, then glue and more commonplace goals. For example, new shoes, etc.
  6. In order for the collage to function, it is important to follow only one's own desires, not fashion or other people's instructions. If choosing images, you feel some doubts, it is worth fixing or not, then set it aside.
  7. Select and glue images only if you are in a good mood, otherwise, you can not count on the implementation of your plans.
  8. A collage of desires, made by own hands on the paper, should be hung on the right wall, in relation to the entrance to the room.
  9. It is important, when forming desires do not use other people. For example, do not ask a man to love you. If you want to improve your personal life, then you want to be loved and unique.
  10. It is recommended to make pictures "My house", "My ring", etc.
  11. At least once a day, look at the collage and imagine that everything has already become a reality. Try to feel sounds, smells, etc.

Do not tell anyone about your desires, it is also not recommended that someone saw a collage. The whole point is that even "white" envy can become an obstacle in realizing the goals set. The most important thing is to believe that all desires are necessarily carried out, and in the near future.