The threat of early miscarriage - symptoms, treatment

Pregnancy is a real miracle for a woman who dreams of becoming a mother. But during this period, the body becomes even more vulnerable to adverse environmental effects, and possibly aggravation of existing health problems. Especially great is the threat of miscarriage at the early stages of bearing the baby, so every woman should know about the symptoms and treatment of this condition, which will prove to be the most effective.

How to determine the beginning of a miscarriage in the first half of pregnancy?

Fortunately, at the first stage to determine the beginning problems with pregnancy is not difficult. Do not neglect the following symptoms that suggest a threat of miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy:

  1. Drawing pains in the lower abdomen or in the lower back. Sometimes gynecologists associate their appearance with a stretching of the ligament of the uterus, which increases in size, or with problems with the intestines, but a woman should immediately visit a doctor who will make an accurate diagnosis. In this case, it is better to really be reinsured, because any discomfort speaks of a possible hypertension of the uterus, which in the absence of proper treatment is quite capable of provoking a miscarriage.
  2. The presence of bloody discharge, both abundant and minor. Signs of a threat of miscarriage in the early stages of bearing a baby are considered as heavy bleeding, and small brownish spots on the underwear. Painful sensations are not necessarily present, but this condition necessarily requires control by specialists, most often in a hospital setting. But do not get scared prematurely: sometimes such symptoms are accompanied by the process of implantation of the fetal egg or minor changes in the hormonal background, the most likely in the days of possible menstruation.

What is recommended when a pregnancy is threatened?

Even with the most insignificant threat of miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy, treatment is appointed immediately. Usually before this, the gynecologist insists on carrying out an ultrasound study, which should confirm the viability of the fetus and determine the degree of danger. If your fears are confirmed, you will most likely be given the following recommendations:

  1. More rest. On home affairs and active sports activities have to forget: any symptoms that indicate early pregnancy about the potential threat of miscarriage - is an indication for bed rest and complete exclusion of physical activity. Sexual life is also excluded, especially up to 12-14 weeks.
  2. Take during the doctor-appointed period certain medications that will be indispensable in the event of a threat of miscarriage in the early stages. It:
  • Take advantage of the treasury of traditional medicine. When a threat of miscarriage in the early stages is often helped by such herbs as elecampane, dandelion, flowers and bark of young branches of the viburnum, cuff, yarrow, which are used in the form of broths.