Candles from thrush during pregnancy

Thrush is a rather unpleasant phenomenon, which at least once, but every woman faced. It is especially unpleasant that thrush often occurs during pregnancy, which can be associated with changes in hormonal balance, vaginal microflora and weakened immunity. Of course, there are a number of drugs designed to treat this disease, but in pregnancy, usually from the thrush only candles are used.

About the disease

Thrush, the scientific name of which is candidiasis, is caused by the fungus "white candida." The reasons for the appearance of thrush may be several, for example:

Features of treatment of thrush during pregnancy

All drugs from thrush can be divided into two groups - systemic and local. In the first case, the tablets are taken orally, and already from the intestine get into the blood, having a therapeutic effect. In pregnancy, taking such drugs is prohibited, because the tablets have a strong toxic effect, which will harm the baby's health.

As a rule, as a systemic drug, medics can prescribe the administration of ineffective Nystatin. Also from thrush during pregnancy, often prescribed Pimafucin - antifungal drug, which is non-toxic even in a large dosage. The rest of the drugs are banned, so when treating milkmaids during pregnancy, use candles, creams or ointments.

Also in the complex therapy of a pregnant woman, a vitamin complex is prescribed, since thrush can be caused by a weakened immune system. In addition, it is worth revising the diet - to limit the acute, sweet and flour.

Candles against thrush during pregnancy

It is worth noting that the thrush is better treated at the conception planning stage, but if the disease has appeared or was detected already during pregnancy - do not panic. For the treatment of candidiasis, they use practically the same drugs as in the usual situation, but only in the form of candles. In any case, the treatment should be appointed exclusively by the attending physician, taking into account the characteristics of the organism and the development of the disease.

To treat thrush often prescribed Pimafucin - both in the form of tablets, and in the form of candles. It is believed that the drug is non-toxic and does not affect the developing fetus. Geksikon and Terzhinan during pregnancy from thrush should be taken with extreme caution and only on the instructions of a doctor. As a rule, drugs are used to treat the chronic form of the disease.

As a remedy for thrush during pregnancy, certain fears are caused by Clotrimazole. The drug is not prescribed in the first trimester of pregnancy, and in the subsequent stage is taken only in case of emergency.

Other ways to treat thrush during pregnancy

To remove the symptoms of thrush during pregnancy, often used soda or an ordinary "zelenka." It is worth noting that douching is forbidden for pregnant women, therefore these solutions only treat the affected areas with the help of a gauze pad, thereby removing itching and inflammation. The same action has a solution of Chlorhexidine, which is used from thrush during pregnancy in the first trimester, when the reception of almost all drugs is prohibited. Keep in mind that self-treatment can lead to unfortunate consequences, so before taking any medication you need to consult with your doctor.