6 weeks of pregnancy - fetal development

As a rule, at the 6th obstetric or 4th pregnancy week, future mothers do not have any doubts about their interesting situation. Every day signs become more obvious: morning sickness and vomiting, weakness and drowsiness, breast tenderness, moodiness and all this "splendor" against the backdrop of a two-week delay can not be attributed to PMS.

Therefore, it is quite logical that by this time the most impatient mothers had already made ultrasound and registered in the women's consultation.

Features of fetal development at 6-7 weeks of pregnancy

Of course, 6 weeks is only a small part of the way, but a small man, who has reached the size of 4-5 mm, continues to grow and develop intensively. At this stage, the foundation of all organs and systems has already been laid, and some of them even began to function. So, what are the achievements that the fruit can boast to by the end of the 5th and the beginning of the 6th week of development:

  1. At this stage, the child's nervous system is almost formed, a rudiment of the brain and bone marrow appears, the formation of depressions and convolutions begins.
  2. Liver kid actively produces blood cells and is involved in the process of blood circulation.
  3. Gradually, the inner ear is formed.
  4. At the 5th-6th week of pregnancy, fetal internal organs continue developing, such as the lungs, stomach, liver, pancreas.
  5. Also at this time, the rudiments of knobs and legs are already visible, the main organ of the immune system is the thymus.
  6. The sex organs are not yet developed, so it is not possible to determine the sex of the baby.

It is worth noting that the embryo on the 6th week of pregnancy is very vulnerable and susceptible, so women should avoid any negative factors that could affect the growth and development of the baby. These include smoking (even passive), the use of alcoholic beverages and certain medications, stress, fatigue, colds and all sorts of infections.