Diet "7 petals" - menu for every day and recipes

There are different methods of losing weight, differing in many criteria, for example, in terms of duration and effectiveness. Among all the stands out the diet of "7 petals", which consists of seven separate mono diets. Such an unusual approach allows you to get a good effect.

Diet "The Seven Petals"

The method of losing weight includes separate mono-diets that trigger fat burning processes in the body. There are no restrictions on the consumption of allowed foods, so you will not have to suffer from hunger. Monodiet "7 petals" is affordable and requires the use of expensive products. According to the reviews, it is easily tolerated and is not hungry.

There is a diet of "7 petals" and flaws, for example, if in the future not to switch to proper nutrition , then the weight will quickly return. You can not use it for pregnant and lactating breast, people under 18, with exacerbation of diseases and at a low level of hemoglobin. If there are other health problems, it is recommended that you consult your physician beforehand.

Diet "7 petals" - menu

The diet of this method of weight loss is designed according to a certain scheme, so that every subsequent day strengthens the effect of the previous one or replenishes the losses. 7 petal diet, the detailed menu of which is indicated below, does not allow the replacement or rearrangement of days. It is forbidden to consume alcohol and fats, even of vegetable origin. Salt and spices are used in minimum quantities, and as a sweetener, stevia is allowed. It is necessary to eat nutritionally in order not to suffer from hunger.

Diet "Seven petals" - menu for the week

Before using this method of weight loss is to prepare the body. A few days before the start of weight loss, it is recommended to exclude from the menu harmful products. No less important is the psychological attitude to losing weight and the developers of the "7 petals" diet recommend to make a special flower with the names of the days and hang it on the refrigerator. Cutting daily on the petal, you can control progress.

The diet of 7 petals, the detailed menu of which is designed to trigger important processes in the body, will give the result, if not deviate from the developed diet. It is important to consider that the diet "7 petals" displays excess fluid, so be sure to observe the drinking regime, drinking at least two liters of water. You can use tea and decoctions.

  1. Day number 1 is fish . The protein promotes the start of the fat burning process. The daily rate is 500 g of fish or seafood. The permitted products can be boiled, baked and served in steaming, and can also be included in the broth menu. Allowed spices, a little greens and salt.
  2. Day number 2 - vegetable . For a day it is allowed to eat from 1 to 1.5 kg of vegetables, but from potatoes it is worth noting. To lose weight the best are green vegetables. Eat them in fresh form, and also stew, boil and bake. The fiber, which is part of the vegetable, cleans the body of the decomposition products.
  3. Day number 3 - chicken . The "7 petals" diet includes another protein day, to strengthen the muscles that could have suffered the previous day. The daily norm is 300-500 g. Any processing is allowed, except for frying.
  4. Day number 4 - cereal . Complex carbohydrates, included in cereals, restore energy reserves. The menu can include loaves, seeds, cereals and about 200 grams of porridge in dry form. It is important to drink plenty of water on this day.
  5. Day number 5 - curd . Prepare about 500 grams of cottage cheese, fat content is not more than 5%. You are allowed to drink milk, green and herbal tea.
  6. Day number 6 - fruit . It's time to give the body carbohydrates, and it is allowed to eat up to 1.5 kg of fruits and berries. You can use different fruits except sweet: bananas, dates, grapes and persimmons.
  7. Day number 7 - drinking . The most difficult period, which will improve the result in losing weight. Only non-carbonated water is allowed to drink. With a severe headache, you can dissolve a small spoonful of honey in a glass of liquid. Seventh day 7 on the diet "6 petals" is missing, so if it's hard not to have a day, then you can exclude it.

"Seven petals" - menu for every day

The presented method of losing weight limits the person in the choice of products, but at the same time allows the compilation of his own menu. For example, on a fish day, you can cook a variety of soups, mashed potatoes, bake or stew fish, and cook it for a couple. To the diet "Seven petals", a menu for each day that can be made diverse, gave good results, consider the basic rules presented above, and examples of diets for each day.

7-petal diet recipes for the week

Some days cause difficulties in the selection of dishes, which you can pamper yourself using this method of losing weight. Mostly it concerns the fruit and curd day, as dishes from fish, chicken, cereals or vegetables are popular and well-known. There are original and simple recipes for the "7 petals" diet, which diversify the menu.

Salad of baked fruit



  1. Dried apricots with water for 5-10 minutes. Clean the orange, and cut the flesh, separating the membranes.
  2. Slice the fruit in small pieces and season with a pinch of cinnamon and vanilla sugar.
  3. Shape a little oil, lightly spread the fruit and bake for 15 minutes.

Curd mousse



Mix all the ingredients using a blender.

Diet "7 petals" - the results

If you follow all the recommendations and do not change the days in places, then thanks to this method of losing weight you can get rid of 3-7 kg. It is worth remembering that everything depends on the initial weight value. It is important to consider that the 7 petal diet implies a correct way out of it. After its termination, you do not need to attack any products, as this not only can worsen your health, but also lead to the fact that the weight will go back, and in a larger amount. Products should be added gradually and better to switch to proper nutrition.