Diet for two days

2-day diets are especially popular among women who find it difficult to consistently adhere to the right diet. And if necessary, urgently "fit" in a favorite dress, these ladies usually resort to a diet for two days, with which you can quickly lose at the waist and hips 2-3 centimeters.

Weight loss for two days - "for" and "against"

Lose weight in two days, of course, impossible. During this period, it is really only possible to clean the intestines, and its contents in different people can be 3-5 kg ​​of excess weight, and remove excess water from the body. 2-day diet will help you lose weight only if you spend them regularly, for example, once a week. But if you arrange such spontaneous express diet from time to time, and even choose too harsh options, there is a risk of disrupting metabolism and aggravating the problem of excess weight .

How to properly carry out unloading diets for 2 days?

A proper diet for two days should in no case be a hunger strike. Getting into a state of stress the body will soon begin to accumulate extra pounds even from fat-free yogurt, which will allow you to spend at least a calorie. Therefore, the diet of the expert diet should be as light as possible, but large enough that the body does not suffer from hunger. You can create your own diet by limiting the caloric content and fat content of the dishes. Exclude with a 2-day diet you need salt, sugar, flour and confectionery products, sausages. To drink water on fasting days, you need as much as possible - against the background of salt and fast carbohydrates, your body will quickly get rid of excess fluid and toxins.

Variants of 2-day diets

There are a lot of options for express diets. But if you do not want to harm the body, choose the right one and be very careful. Very good option - carbohydrate unloading days, which, by the way, can be a preparation for switching to the diet of Dr. Ducane. The basis of the diet for a non-carbohydrate diet should be different types of meat (except lamb and pork), fish, eggs, by-products (liver, kidneys, heart), seafood (squid, shrimp, crabs), skimmed milk products without sugar (can with sugar substitute). If you are not going to switch to Dukan's diet regime, you can vary the menu with fresh vegetables: cabbage, cucumbers, zucchini, forbidden peas, potatoes, beans, carrots, beets. Plus a carbohydrate diet is that you do not need to limit portions, the main thing is not to eat forbidden foods.

A 2-day diet on the "Brush" salad helps to clean the intestines. The main ingredient of the cleansing salad is raw beets. Classic version of the salad: chopped cabbage, grated carrot and beetroot, a little olive oil and lemon juice. If desired, you can independently vary the recipe by adding or removing raw vegetables - sweet peppers, onions, cucumbers. This salad can be eaten up to 8 times a day, but there will still be a feeling of hunger with such a discharge. For those who do not want to limit themselves to cleansing, and decides to continue losing weight, you can recommend a diet-alternation: a day on a salad "Brush", a day on a boiled chicken without salt.

The extreme variant of losing weight in two days is mono-diets. These modes should be resorted only in emergency cases, because The mono-diet is monotonous and is deprived of many necessary substances. Variants of unloading diets for 2 days: