The gum has swollen, but the tooth does not hurt

The most common complaint when addressing a dentist is pain. Many people visit the dentist only when the pain becomes unbearable and is not eliminated by available home methods. Other symptoms of dental and gum disease are often ignored. For example, it often happens in cases where the gum has swollen, but the tooth does not hurt. With what this phenomenon can be connected, and what to do if the gums are swollen, we will consider further.

The reasons why the gum was swollen without pain

Inflammation of the root of the tooth

If the gum has swollen without pain after treatment of caries , pulpitis or other diseases, then most likely the problem lies in the ongoing inflammatory process in the dental root. This may be due to the fact that the dentist, cleaning the tooth cavity, paid insufficient attention to the roots. The absence of pain in this case is explained by the removal of the nerves that make up the inflamed pulp of the tooth (carrying out depulpation). Without nerves the tooth ceases to react to any irritating factors (cold, heat, etc.) and does not hurt even with the development of inflammation. You can recognize the pathological process by noticing the swelling and redness of the gums near the problem tooth. In this case, an urgent visit to the dentist and treatment with the use of local antibacterial drugs with subsequent sealing .

Chronic hygiene

Swelling of the gums, not accompanied by pain, can also be associated with gingivitis, which runs chronically. Chronic form of gingivitis develops due to prolonged action of factors adversely affecting the gums (poor oral hygiene, tartar formation, bite pathology, bad habits, lack of vitamins, etc.). In this case, the disease is characterized by a prolonged lethargic inflammation, worn out by the symptomatology. Periodically, there may be bleeding gums, their redness and swelling, with pain in most cases absent. Treatment in this case includes the elimination of provoking factors, sanitation of the oral cavity, systemic use of antibiotics.


Swelling of the gums in the absence of pain can indicate the development of a benign tumor in it or nearby tissues. The main factors that provoke the formation and growth of tumors are trauma and long-term inflammation in the tissues of the jaw. Some types of these tumors may not cause pain, especially in the early stages. In this case, the treatment is usually surgical.

Swollen and sore gum near the wisdom tooth

If swollen and sore gum near the erupting wisdom tooth, this indicates the development of an infectious-inflammatory process. The growth of wisdom teeth often takes place over a long period and is accompanied by various pathological processes. This is due to the fact that in most cases there is a lack of space for the growing tooth, as well as a difficult oral hygiene at the end jaws. Therefore, tissues are injured, and pathogenic bacteria are actively developing in them. This causes inflammation of the tissues, their swelling, flushing, soreness.

Such symptoms most often indicate such diseases as periostitis (inflammation of the periosteum) or periodontitis (inflammation of the ligamentous apparatus of the tooth). It is necessary to consult a dentist in order to avoid the progression of pathology. Treatment depends on the severity of the process and may include surgical intervention, the use of local and systemic antibacterial drugs and anti-inflammatory drugs.