Fast yeast dough for pizza

Yeast dough is rightly considered optimal for pizza making. The product on its basis turns out soft, gentle and airy. And its splendor can be adjusted by the thickness of the rolling workpiece.

We offer recipes for preparing a quick yeast dough for pizza on milk with eggs or just on the water. Both options have their advantages, and you can evaluate them only by experimenting by making pizza at home on such a test, made with recommendations in the recipes below.

Simple quick yeast dough for pizza - recipe for milk



We begin the process of making a quick dough for pizza with the fact that we dissolve the pressed yeast in warm milk. After that, rub out the egg with sugar and salt and inject into the yeast mixture. The egg should be at room temperature. After that, we sift the flour into a liquid base and start kneading. Add flour until the dough is no longer sticky and viscous. Now pour in the vegetable oil and continue to mix the mass with your hands for another seven minutes. After this, let the test stand in the warmth for thirty minutes. During this time, its volume should grow by half. Now we can start to design pizza.

Fast yeast dough for pizza on water without eggs



Unlike the previous recipe, as a liquid base, we will use simply purified water. Warm it to a pleasant warmth, add the yeast, sugar and five tablespoons of flour and mix very carefully so that all components are dissolved. For the yeast to activate and start its work, place the container with the billet in the heat for twenty minutes.

After that, pour in the vegetable oil, add salt, we begin to gradually sift the flour into the dough, and proceed to the batch. When the dough ceases to be sticky, we knead it for another five to seven minutes. If there is no free time, you can immediately begin to form a pizza, thinner than it is rolled out. If possible, we give the test once to rise, placing it in warmth and comfort for thirty or forty minutes.