Cakes in the form of fast food: now you've seen everything!

Have you tried all methods to combat seasonal depression, but to no avail? Then bake cakes!

The story of the success of the self-confectioner Laura Loukaides is one of those talked about - there would be no happiness, but misfortune helped ... But everything is true, but while it's so convenient for many to hide behind a thousand complexes, blame for lack of talent or wrong way in choosing a profession, others just follow the heart's command and become winners!

At the age of 18, Laura Loukaides from Hertfordshire (United Kingdom) chose the profession of photographer and believed that she was her calling.

But, like most teenagers, the transition to adulthood for her was not the most cloudless. For many years, Laura suffered from constant anxiety and depression. Even came to the conclusion that going out of the house into a shop turned into a real problem!

But everything changed the lucky case, or rather - the usual daily release of the favorite TV show of all American housewives - "Ace of Cakes and Cake Boss".

Already a couple of hours after watching the girl dared to try the recipes and advice of participating in the program of confectioners and noticed that this occupation brings her comfort and confidence.

On her 19th birthday, Laura created the first cake and "went into taste"!

Since that moment, the creation of confectionery has become an obsession. Laura daily improved her skills and was not afraid to experiment.

Well, the satisfied customers took breath at the sight of her incredibly realistic creations - cakes in the form of puppies, kittens, ladies' accessories, fairy-tale heroes and flower beds.

As a result, for two years the craftsman has broken the jackpot in the form of three gold medals at the international cake competition in Birmingham, leaving the famous masters at the broken trough.

Is it worth mentioning that there is no trace of depression and anxiety?

Well, to date, self-confectioner Laura Loukaides, in addition to authoritative recognition, has also become a real Internet star. And this time the users of the World Wide Web were simply "blown up" by a new series of sweet works by Laura in the form of ... favorite fast food and other unsweetened food.

Beware, viewing photos may have virtual calories!

Cake "Fish with French fries"

Cheeseburger with bacon

Cake "Pepperoni pizza"

Doner kebab cake

Cake "Breakfast on the way to the office"

Cake "Favorite Hamburger"

Cake "All that my sister loves"

Cake "Sandwich with cheese and bacon"

Cake "Sushi and cookies with a prediction"

Cake "Favorite fast food"

Cake "Spaghetti with meat balls"

Cake "Potatoes with cheese and beans"

Cake "Pancakes with fruit"

Cake "Chicken Nuggets"

Cake "Cherry Pie"

Cake "Aromatic buns"

Cake "Favorite varieties of ice cream in a waffle cup"

Honored award