How to grow Chinese cabbage in a dacha?

In China, and more recently and beyond, a vegetable such as cabbage pak-choi is quite common. She is unpretentious in the care, does not require large investments of means, time and effort, while it pleases with an early and stable harvest. Cabbage is useful and nutritious, so it is not surprising that today our compatriots began to cultivate it.

Planting Chinese cabbage on seedlings

If you also have a desire to grow Chinese cabbage pack-choy at home, you do not yet know how - our article about this will tell. And first you need to prepare the seedlings. That the seeds sprouted faster, and the seedlings turned out strong, the land in the containers should be very loose.

So, when to sow Chinese cabbage? It is better to do this already in March, you can at the end. Do this in several stages with a break of 8-10 days. When on the seedlings there will be 4-5 real leaves (about 3 weeks after sowing), they can be planted in the open ground.

In principle, you can sow the seeds of cabbage immediately to the garden. The distance between the rows should be 30 cm. For the first time, the ground needs to be covered with a film. The first shoots will appear after a week.

Chinese cabbage - cultivation and care

Cabbage grows rather quickly - the crop can be harvested after 25-30 days after transplanting the seedlings. That is why it is recommended to grow several generations of seedlings - it can be planted as you harvest the previous cabbage and all the summer have a stable harvest.

As for the peculiarities of how to grow Chinese cabbage in a dacha, you need to know that it has a very fragile and small root system, so it's necessary to loosen the beds with care. At the same time the plant is quite unpretentious and grows both on a sunny place and in coolness.

For young cabbage, pests such as cruciferous fleas are dangerous. They are even capable of destroying the plant before its emergence. Fleas hibernate in the upper layer of the soil, and in order to get rid of them, you must first dig well and loosen the soil on the bed, and during the growth of cabbage it is often abundant to water it and loosen it.