Cat Pose

The so-called "pose of a cat" is an integral element of morning exercises , which is in the recommendations for pregnant women, and in yogic practice. Let us consider what a pose is and what it is for.

Pose of the cat in yoga: marjarianasana

This is a simple pose, which is available even for beginners. Taking this position, you knead your spine and massage the abdominal cavity. Regularly engaged, you will find a flexible neck, shoulders and back.

The technique is quite simple: stand on all fours, resting your palms on the floor on the width of your shoulders. Slightly spread your legs, keeping the position of "socks together, heels apart". From this position on inhalation, bend down, throwing your head back and up. Keep your limbs at rest! Quit in such a position for a few seconds, and then relax.

On exhalation, bend your head, press your chin to your chest, and bend your back up (so do disgruntled or frightened cats). Repeat the exercise 10 times. To achieve the maximum result, you should ensure that the muscles of the press are tense.

Pose of a cat for pregnant women

The cat's posture is incredibly useful for women during pregnancy, because it is incredibly useful for female organs. Such an exercise, as it was described above, can be performed only during the first trimester, then it is worth to abandon it in favor of the abbreviated-light version.

During the entire pregnancy, and especially after the twentieth week, it is worthwhile to occupy the initial pose on all fours and relax your back. In this position, you need to spend a few minutes, it relieves the load from the kidneys and facilitates the body. Often such a position is recommended by doctors, especially if the woman's body weight increases rather quickly, and the spine needs to be relaxed.