Tools Hooponopono

Hooponopono is a Hawaiian technique that allows you to harmonize life in all its aspects. From this article you will learn which specific techniques of this direction can be used in your life to achieve excellent results, and also how to use the instruments of Hooponopono .

Tools Hooponopono: "Pencil"

The very first, main and popular tool is incredibly simple. It is called "pencil" or "eraser". Take a simple pencil with an eraser on the end, and tap on the object that you would like to clean, whether it's your computer, a table, or yourself. At the same time, if you want, you can remain silent, and you can say the most important words of Hooponoponos: "Forgive me, I love you, I'm sorry, thank you."

Hooponopono instruments: "Blue Solar Water"

In order to get healing, charged water, first find a blue glass container - it must be transparent. Pour water in it, leave in the sun for one hour. If the day is gloomy, or the sun has already set, you can use the light of an ordinary lamp. This water can be washed to relieve tension, drink it to avoid stress, prepare tea or food on it. Such water will purify the energy of any other water, in which there will be at least one drop of it.

Tools Hooponopono: "Sunflower"

This tool is aimed at the destruction of negative programs that create a shortage of financial resources in our lives. Mentally say: "Sunflower, sunflower, sunflower ...". Or just hang an image of this plant in front of your workplace, or plant it on your site. Respect money, love them, but do not worship them - and then they will always accompany you!

Hooponopono: the instrument "Breath of Ha"

Breathe the air slowly, calmly considering at this time to yourself from 1 to 10. Hold your breath for a while (ideally for the same 10 bills) and slowly exhale, also mentally counting to 10. This technique is recommended to practice at least 10 times in a row - it relieves stress, and with regular use can completely cure depression!

Hooponopono: the instrument "Rosinka"

When you are scared, you experience or are frightened, just say the word "dewdrop" to yourself. It removes everything, cleans up negative energy, helps to feel safe. It can be used at least every minute. If you see that someone is ill or sad, mentally, looking at it, also say that word. The "Velcro" tool acts similarly, which makes no sense to be considered separately, since it can be used in exactly the same way as "dewdrop".

Tools Hooponopono: "Glass with water"

Fill the glass with clean water and put it in any place in your house. It will help to clear your past and thoughts about it, even if you do not now think about it. Change the water in a glass 1-2 times a day, if nothing special happens, and more often if you are worried or worried. If there is a specific situation, which makes you worry, write it on a piece of paper and put a glass of water on it.

Tools Hooponopono: "Blue Ice"

If you are suffering, experiencing, experiencing pain, you can easily fix the situation with only the thought of "blue ice". If you hurt yourself, cut yourself, hit - be sure to say to yourself this simple word combination. If you collect vegetables, fruits or cut flowers, say it to yourself to ease their pain. This phrase can be repeated unlimitedly, to reduce your own or others' experiences.

Despite the fact that the instruments of Hooponopon are simple, they work wonders. After all, what you believe in, can really reduce any pain, suffering and experience.