Dishes with shrimps

Shrimp, as one of the most popular species of crustaceans, has long been loved not only by consumers but also by producers: cheapness and speed of breeding have become decisive steps towards popularization of these shells in our markets, and light sweetness and unobtrusive taste provided them a place on our tables. We will talk about a few outstanding dishes with shrimps further.

Julienne with shrimps - recipe

Despite the fact that the French word "julienne" in gastronomy characterizes the way of cutting ingredients, we have it baked under cheese and sauce anything, in the recipe further - shrimp.



While the temperature of the oven reaches 180 degrees, peel the shrimp and chop all the vegetables. In the brazier add the oil and save it onions with both types of pepper and celery. When the vegetables reach the half-ready level, it is the turn of a handful of chopped spinach leaves, garlic cloves and a generous pinch of salt. As soon as all the moisture evaporates from the green, add the shrimp, wait another minute and remove the dishes from the fire. Mix the contents of the brazier with the cheeses and send to the oven for 15 minutes. Serve with parsley.

Risotto with shrimps - recipe



Peeled prawns season with sea salt and a drop of olive oil. In a saucepan or in a frying pan, melt butter and passer on it onions with garlic, add rice grains and mix. After a minute we degasize the dishes with wine and start to pour in chicken broth on portions, on the ladle at a time until completely absorbed. The rice is stirred all the time. After 15 minutes, fry the shrimps and add them to the dish along with the cheese and a handful of chopped parsley.

Warm salad "Sea cocktail" with shrimps



Boil the mussels. Shrimp pour half marinade from honey, butter, lime juice and ginger, the second half is left for refueling. Fry the shrimp on the grill for a minute on each side. We mix warm seafood with blanched peas, sprouts and circles of radish. We pour a dish with prawns previously prepared dressing and decorate with mint and nuts.

Fettuccine with shrimps in tomato and cream sauce



Quickly fry the peeled shrimp on a mixture of oils and put it back on the dish. Instead of crustaceans in a frying pan, send blanched, peeled and sliced ​​tomatoes, pour them alcohol and let it evaporate. Pour in the cream and simmer the sauce until the tomato slices disperse into mashed potatoes. Lastly, we add prawns and fettuccine. Mix and finish the pasta with shrimps and tomatoes greens.