Guessing with a comb under the pillow

Many people want to believe that there is magic. Probably everyone knows that magic has appeared far in the past, and many rituals are popular today. Guessing with a comb under the pillow is the best guessing, if you believe the legend. To this day, Christians celebrate Christmas Eve - a holiday symbolizes the coming of the Nativity of Christ and on holy days spend many different divination. Below are some ways of guessing with a comb under the pillow on the subject.

How to correctly guess for Christmas with a comb under the pillow?

In order to conduct holy fortune-telling fortunes, any objects can go into play, but in this article we will consider guessing at night with a comb.

Some tips for correct divination:

  1. When conducting fortune-telling, you should seriously approach this matter - you can not joke with spirits, otherwise fate can be seriously spoiled. As a rule, everyone knows about this.
  2. Before carrying out this divination, it is necessary to dissolve the hair and remove from them all the extra elements: elastic bands, hairpins, hairpins, crabs and so on. Hair should be cleaned up.
  3. At night, it is best to wear comfortable clothes, in which you can freely move. If there are knots on clothes, then they must be untied.
  4. From the body it is necessary to remove all ornaments: rings, chains, earrings, also should be removed and the cross must be a mandatory condition.
  5. The hairbrush should be new and clean.

Fortune Telling

There are three most popular ways of guessing on a comb:

  1. This method of guessing has existed for a long time, with the help of it one can not only learn the name of the betrothed, but also see it. In order to dream a suzeon, you should put the hairbrush on the night under the pillow and sleep on it, pre-uttering the following words: "Seriously-mummified, come to me dressed up and comb me. So be it! "And at the very end, you have to say the word" Amen "three times. In the event that the girl had a fiancé who combs her hair, it means that she will marry within this year.
  2. To conduct this divination, you should buy a natural wooden comb. Before going to bed, the girl must stand in front of the mirror with a comb and once say the following words: "My dear, my dear, Sisokryly, I dream of you at night and comb your hair with my comb." In the end, you must say the word "Amen". Next, for divination, you need to put the comb under the pillow and go to bed. After the morning came, be sure to see if any hairs appeared on it. If yes, then the girl will have a favorite person within a year.
  3. The following divination should be done in the morning. The girl, having woken up should spend some times on the hair a comb. After completing the procedure, you should calculate how many hairs remain on the comb and look below the values: