Mayan Mayanism

We all heard about famous, world civilizations that fell thousands of years ago, among them was the "Maya" tribe. They knew much more, knew much more, left behind as much as necessary for the knowledge of life. But they became famous not only because they created a special calendar, painted up to 2012 year.

Mayan's divination is very diverse. You can guess on the stones with the Maya symbolism, but one of the most famous since ancient times is the Mayan calendar divination. We will look at these two methods, for which they are needed and what they are.

Features of Mayan divination

Looking at the Mayan calendar, you need to understand that the result will not be specific, but broad, general, to cover the whole problem, the whole issue, to describe a large period of time.

If we talk about the divination of the Maya on stones, then such "stones", or rather plates, you can buy in any shop of an esoteric type, they are read predictions. Lay down the tablets so that you do not see the symbols pictured on them. Then ask the question in your mind, the answer you would like to hear. Then pull out, without hesitation, the first tablet that will fall on your eyes - the one your subconscious will point to.

The most common symbol is the symbol "Etsnab", which means "chopped stone". If you pulled out a sign with such a sign, then in your life now there is a place of turning points, you are expected to have more changes, it is possible that you will have to radically change your life. But these experiences of fate will be passed by you with dignity, since the symbol means sharpness, strength, power, steadfastness and independence.

Another famous symbol is the symbol "Chikchan", it is translated as a "snake". But, stretching the stone with this sign, you can be calm - you are not threatened with anything bad, the answer to your mental question is positive. The fact is that Maya worshiped snakes, so this symbol means a connection with the divine beginning, with higher powers.

Guessing both the calendar and the Maya stones, you need to know the meaning of other symbols:

  1. The symbol of the "World Tree" - the tree of life - means the instinctive side, if in the guessing the choice fell upon it, you should listen to your inner voice.
  2. "Sunrise" symbolizes exact decisions, most likely you have already taken for yourself the solution you were looking for, but want to find out what consequences it will bring to you.
  3. "Deer": if you fell out this symbol, you can be calm, it brings only luck. The symbol of "deer" says that you are lucky in acquiring something significant.
  4. "Rabbit" is the loss of spiritual unity.
  5. "Death" is the process of reincarnation, transformation, the path to wisdom.
  6. "Lizard" - the growth of vitality.
  7. "Night" is the inborn wisdom of the female and the masculine.
  8. The "wind" is a hidden potential that can animate others.
  9. "Crocodile" is a powerful energy that is inside the one who is guessing.
  10. "Ancestors" - a sign of higher consciousness.
  11. "Water" is an artistic talent.
  12. "Dog" is the belief in success, in victory.
  13. "Monkey" - the nature inherent artistry.
  14. "Road" is an ascent to new achievements.
  15. "Jaguar" - wealth and your essence - a single whole.
  16. "Eagle" - success in finance.
  17. "Grief" is a subliminal connection with heaven and earth.
  18. "Incense" is prudence and wisdom.
  19. "Thunderstorm" - sometimes it seems to you that your life is full of storm and thunderstorms. Devote yourself to higher goals, and you will get rid of it.