Dark spots on the skin

Human skin is an indicator of his health. Harmful products, insufficiency of rest, stresses and other troubles instantly affect the condition of our skin. It is known that dark circles under the eyes - a sign of lack of sleep, acne and oily skin - poor nutrition, dryness - a lack of vitamins. However, the cause of some skin problems is not always easy to detect. These troubles include dark spots on the skin. Dark spots can appear on the skin of the legs, hands, face and other areas of the body. They are very noticeable, in some cases can cause unpleasant sensations and itching. Therefore, they want to get rid of them by any means and as soon as possible. If a dark spot appeared on the skin, then, first of all, it is necessary to establish the cause of its appearance.

Dark spots on the skin are scientifically called hyperpigmentation. They are caused by the excessive production of pigment melanin. In a light form they have the form of freckles, in a more severe form - large, dark spots all over the body. The reasons for this phenomenon can be as follows:

For today in drugstores it is possible to get means for elimination of dark stains on a skin. The composition of such products include ingredients that have a clarifying effect. When use of such creams should be careful, since their long-term use can lead to uneven skin lightening.

If the dark spots on the skin itch or cause other unpleasant sensations, you should consult a doctor. After a thorough examination, the doctor will be able to determine the cause of their appearance and prescribe the appropriate treatment. In some cases, laser or chemical pilling is used to treat dark spots on the skin.

After the brown spots on the skin disappear, you should limit your exposure to the sun. Otherwise, the probability of their re-appearance increases dramatically.