Beta-lactam antibiotics

The products of mushroom activity, whose feature is the ability to fight some microorganisms, is called antibiotics. Due to the developed biological activity and the absence of a negative effect on humans, beta-lactam antibiotics are widely used in antimicrobial therapy, which has become the main method of treatment of infections.

The mechanism of action of beta-lactam antibiotics

The main feature of these drugs is the presence of a beta-lactam ring, which determines their activity. The main action is aimed at creating links between microbial enzymes responsible for the formation of the outer membrane, with molecules of penicillins and other antibiotic agents. Strong ties contribute to the oppression of the activity of pathogens, the cessation of their development, which ultimately leads to their death.

Classification of beta-lactam antibiotics

There are four main classes of antibiotic drugs:

1. Penicillins , which are the products of the exchange of various types of pentillium fungi. According to their origin they are natural and semi-synthetic. The first group is divided into bicillins and benzylpenicillins. In the second, antibiotics of the beta-lactam series are distinguished:

2. Cephalosporins produced by the fungus Cephalosporium are more resistant to beta-lactamase than the previous group. There are such beta-lactam antibiotics:

3. Monobactams , which include Azrethon. These drugs have a narrower sphere of action, since they are ineffective in the control of strepto- and staphylococci. Therefore, they are prescribed, mainly against gram-negative fungi. Azthreons are most often given by doctors if they have intolerance to penicillins.

4. Carbapanemes , of which representatives are Meropenem and Impenem, belong to a number of means having the widest range of effects. Meropenem is used for especially severe infectious processes, and also if there are no improvements in taking other medications.