Cataracts ampel - growing from seeds

Today we offer you to get acquainted with the domestic favorite of many florists - the ampel cathartus. This wonderful flower was brought to us from the distant tropical jungles of Madagascar. Later it was spread by the flower growers all over the Southern Hemisphere. From this material, we learn a lot of useful information about cataracts ampel, including, and about its growing from seeds at home.

General information

Let's start by acquaintance with the peculiarities of cultivation and care of the catarrhtum with a brief description of this plant. The flower of the cataract is widely used in the decoration of private estates. This plant usually after reaching one to two months is transplanted into flower pots (a special kind of pots for ampel plants). Some of the catarrhtal species are able to grow shoots longer than 1.5 meters. These branches are entirely covered with glossy leaves of saturated green color and bright colors, the diameter of which can reach three centimeters. The quarantine looks very impressive in decorative pots suspended in a grid. Moreover, in landscape design, it is allowed to grow cataracts from seeds together with other types of flowers in one container. Joint planting of catarrhatus is possible with seeds of petunia and lobelia, balsam and periwinkle. But, in addition to sowing, another method of propagating cataracts is used - cuttings. This is the only option that allows to preserve the appearance of hybrid varieties. From seeds to grow a hybrid cataract will not work, because on these plants they simply do not ripen. Even if you open a dried box, it will most likely be empty. Now that we have learned a little more about this plant, it's time to go to the flower shop and buy seeds.

Planting and growing seedlings

First of all, we prepare the soil mixture, for this we need to mix peat, turf, humus and leaf land in equal parts. The resulting mixture is mixed, leveled, loosened. We make grooves a half centimeter in depth, we sow a few seeds (4-5 pieces, as the germination capacity of this plant is not bad). The most favorable time for sowing is the end of February - the beginning of March. Spray the earth with water, cover with opaque film. When seeds are germinated, it is important to ensure that the temperature is constantly varied within 23-25 ​​degrees. Approximately in the second week, the first shoots should appear. After that, we open the "bed" and bring it to the light. While the plant is small, and also in the future from the beginning to the end of winter, the cataract should be tempered with watering. And in the hot season, increase so that the soil mixture is always wet, but not wet. It should be planted in pots after it reaches 7-9 centimeters in height. If you adhere to these tips when planting the cataract with seeds and then taking care of it, you probably will get it right away. After we learned how to properly plant a cataract and grow seedlings, you can safely move to the next section.

Care instructions

  1. Optimum humidity of air at cultivation of the given plant should be within 50%.
  2. Water so that the bottom of the pot does not stagnate water, for this purpose it is best to use pots with pallets.
  3. From the scourge of cataracts, bacterial diseases, it is recommended to use "Fundazol" or "Maxim" for spraying.
  4. When invading the worms, spray the plant with "Aktelikom" or "Aktara". Another solution of "Aktara" can be poured into the soil, thereby making the plant inedible for parasites.
  5. And the most important thing! Do not forget that all parts of this plant are poisonous, so after contact with it, always wash your hands with soap.