Vegetarian sausage

The modern market has already managed to adapt to those who prefer to avoid consumption of meat products, because on the shelves you can increasingly find vegetarian sausages, sausages and cutlets. True in small cities, these alternatives are still difficult to access, and the cost suits far from everyone. An alternative will be homemade cooking, which we'll talk about further.

Vegetarian sausage - recipe



With a blender, whip the onion from the onion and garlic cloves. Transfer the paste to a heated frying pan and save, stirring, for three minutes. Return the mixture back to the bowl, add spices, soy, water, beans, tomato and repeat whipping. Separately mix the ground oat flakes and flax seeds with fiber. Add the dry mixture to the contents of the blender and whisk again. The resulting mass of stag with your hands for a couple of minutes until you get a tight "dough". If the mixture crumbles - pour a couple of tablespoons of water.

With palms roll the sausage thick with an ordinary sausage, wrap it with foil and place it over a water bath. Cook the vegetarian sausage at home for 1 hour and 20 minutes, then cool and get rid of the foil casing.

The recipe for cooking vegetarian sausage from Bengal peas

In addition to beans, the core of vegetarian sausage may become chickpeas. Before cooking it is soaked, and after swelling boil until soft.



Before you make a vegetarian sausage, dry ingredients are sent to the blender: fiber, breadcrumbs, and spices. After beating into the bowl, chickpeas, tahini pasta, garlic, Worcestershire sauce and vegetable broth are sent to the dry ingredients. The latter, it is better to pour in portions, so that the sausages do not break up from excessive moisture. After beating again, pour the liquids, if necessary, after massaging the mass with hands, collecting together, and roll into the sausage. After wrapping the sausage with foil, place it on the water bath for two hours (small heat).