The new chest Taylor Swift excited the fans

Apparently, the famous 26-year-old singer Taylor Swift lives by the principle: a new love is a new appearance. About the fact that about six months ago the singer decided to change the shape of the buttocks, making them more prominent, it became known at the event dedicated to the iHeartRadio Music Awards. Under insider information, she was asked by ex-lover Kelvin Harris, and after a little thought the singer went under the surgeon's knife, inserting implants. Now Taylor meets already with another, actor Tom Hiddleston, and, as it became clear, Swift changed again externally.

Breast Taylor does not give rest to the fans

The singer and actor have already ceased to conceal their relationship. Together they appeared at the concert of Selena Gomez, and after him, without hiding from the paparazzi, quietly strolled to the car. Swift was wearing a red ensemble, consisting of a wide midi skirt and a tight top with short sleeves. The clothes did not represent anything special, but the fans discussed it on the Internet for a long time. Here are some fan messages: "Where did Taylor get that kind of chest?" Probably magic? "," A new guy - a new breast? "," A plastic surgeon did a good job. She's coming! "And so on.

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Taylor has a new breast for a month now

The first suspicions that the singer increased her bust appeared in May. It was then that Taylor strolling around the city, visiting the gym and communicating with friends constantly tried to cover the chest. By the way, it was at that time that the first rumors appeared that everything between Swift and Harris was not going smoothly.