Suicide - reasons

In our society, the problem of suicide is quite acute. In the world, every two seconds someone commits a suicide attempt, and every 20 seconds someone achieves their gloomy goal. Annually 1,100,000 people die precisely because they no longer want to live and put their hands on themselves. It's strange, but the number of people who have died with suicide is more than the number killed in wars. Despite all the social work on the prevention of suicide, until a significant reduction in these indicators is not planned.

Causes of suicide

According to official world statistics, the reasons for suicide include more than 800 different factors. Calling the largest of them, we get the following figures:

In many cases, people themselves do not know why they decided to leave their lives, which is why for extras such a large part of the reasons remains undisclosed.

It is also interesting that 80% of suicides advance in one way or another give others to understand their intentions, albeit in very veiled ways. But 20% of people leave life very suddenly. Interestingly, the same 80% of suicides have attempted to commit suicide.

Love and suicide

Many believe that suicidal tendencies are inseparably linked with unhappy love. However, this is not really the case. For different age groups, the causes vary greatly. For example, if teenagers under 16 years of unrequited love makes up almost half of all the causes of suicide, then for people over 25 this reason is one of the rarest.

It is at a young age, when children desperately dream of love, it becomes for them a sufficient reason not to go further. Especially this applies to those guys and girls whose suicide is seen as one of the ways to prove something to parents, friends or the object of love.

For some reason, at an early age, the first feeling of adolescents is perceived as the only possible, and do not pay attention to the fact that in most cases the first love ends unsuccessfully. From this, young people and girls begin to believe that in the future they are only waiting for suffering, although in fact, the first love is forgotten quickly enough: it usually takes place during the school period, and the abundance of subsequent events, such as higher education and job search, past failure.

Who is prone to suicide?

The propensity to suicide is primarily noted in those who undergo changes in the loss of their former social status or habitual conditions of life, etc. A high suicide rate was found among the following groups:

Apparently, these categories of people think that after suicide they will be better than in those conditions in which they are now. In addition, the status of a person is important: married and married almost never commit suicide, which can not be said of those who survived the loss of a partner or did not meet him at all.

In addition, when a parallel was drawn between the level of education and the level of suicide, it turned out that those who had studied at the university were the least likely to commit suicide. But those who have only an unfinished secondary education, have a big inclination to self-destructive actions.