Eating Disorder

Eating disorder implies the presence of psychological problems, which are accompanied by obsession with food. Most often, the following deviations occur: bulimia, anorexia , overeating, etc.

Causes of eating disorders

In general, there are several assumptions for the appearance of such problems, among which one can distinguish:

  1. Causes related to physiology, for example, hormonal disorders or problems with metabolism.
  2. An imposed stereotype that a woman should be slim, otherwise, she will not be happy.
  3. Genetic predisposition.

Psychology of eating behavior

In many cases, this deviation is associated with accompanying mental disorders. Often people have phobias, which are mainly associated with humiliation. Many people experience panic attacks when there is unfounded fear. Practical all who suffer from anorexia and bulimia have such a mental disorder as depression.

How to return to proper eating behavior?

Initially, it should be said that the process is rather complicated and in most cases the specialist needs help. Treatment is basically a combination of psychological care and the development of proper nutrition . It takes place in several stages:

It is important to understand that even after successful treatment, there is a big risk and a person can again develop a similar condition. That's why it is recommended to change your life, fill it with bright colors and not think about the past.