Fear of spiders

More than 80% of the population of our planet is afraid of spiders. Fear of spiders is called arachnophobia and is one of the most common phobias . Let's understand the reason for this phenomenon and at the same time try to eliminate it.

Why do people fear spiders?

This insect has the property of moving quickly. People often find it on their body suddenly. Hence it can be concluded that fear arises from the unpredictability of the further movement of the insect and its intentions as a whole. Most people are afraid of this suddenness.

Experts argue that the fear of spiders can be congenital. If parents were afraid of spiders, they would automatically be passed on to the child. You can just be scared, but at the sight of spiders, many people get a pulse and heartbeat, which can already be called the initial stage of arachnophobia.

There is a theory that a phobia can appear as a result of watching a horror movie with spiders-killers. In such cases, everything depends on the person: a slight fear can develop into a real illness, so individuals with weak nerves should better refrain from viewing such films.

Insects have a peculiar appearance, and imagination and a rich imagination do their job. Arachnophobia is not an unreasonable fear, because some species of spiders are dangerous to humans, however, they live in remote places from civilization. It is worth remembering that most species are absolutely harmless to your health.

One London psychiatrist put forward the concept that the fear of spiders appeared during the development of the plague, because arthropods were considered to be the bearers of this disease. In addition, it is believed that most of the arachnophobes live in Western Europe and North America.

How to stop being afraid of spiders?

If you want to cope with your fear yourself, you need to meet him alone. The spider should be near so you can view it at a safe distance and overcome your fear. In case you find it difficult, find someone who is free from such fear. Let him share with you his views on this situation and the corresponding attitude to the spiders.

When you think that a spider can harm you, try to calm down. In fact, the insect is afraid of you much more than you do it. Do not forget that poisonous spiders are found only in distant tropical countries.

Next, take a sheet of paper and draw a large spider. Then next, draw a spider a little smaller. Then another, but even smaller. In the end, draw a large number of spiders, from the largest to the smallest. After that, burn the leaf and imagine how your fear disappears with it.

Another option for getting rid of fear is as follows. You can get a spider at home. He will have to be cared for and picked up periodically. Soon you will understand that the insect carries no danger. It will not be superfluous to note that there is an opinion that hairs of some species of spiders can cause allergies, so before buying, learn about it as much as possible.

There is another way to combat the fear of spiders. You can buy a computer game in which you have to kill spiders. Destroying insects, subconsciously get rid of your fear. This will happen gradually. True, the previous method is much more effective - you overcome your fear through love, and not through murder.

People's signs say that spiders bring happiness. If a spider has sat on you, then your financial situation will improve noticeably. Detect a spider in the house - fortunately, but because every time you see a spider, remember these signs .

You can easily overcome the fear of spiders if you listen to the above tips. Taking it in your arms, get rid of the fear once and for all. When nothing helps and the phobia poisons your life, consult a therapist.