How to help a person in depression?

When a person understands that he is in a state of depression and wants to get rid of it - it's wonderful. But, unfortunately, not everyone can boast of such awareness. Therefore, the question of how to help a person in depression is quite popular.

Help with depression - what can not be done?

You can not spare a person. Pity will deprive a person of strength, driving him into an even greater negative state, from which it will be very difficult to get out. Love in all its manifestations is what helps the best from depression.

You can not wait for the depression to pass by itself. If a person has experienced a strong emotional shock and fell into depression, to the exit of which no effort is exerted, she can turn into schizophrenia.

You can not seek excuses for depression, referring to the fact that this is a normal state of a person after some complicated situation. From depression and stress only solid and decisive for a better attitude helps. After all, life sometimes "beats" very much and you need to be able to hold any of its blows.

Help with depression - the best ways

You need to turn to the therapist, explaining to the person that this specialist is able to help by correctly prescribing antidepressants and developing an individual method of psychological help. Depression is not madness, but a disease that, for example, as a gastritis or angina, requires a certain treatment. That is why in visiting the therapist there is nothing shameful.

It helps to get rid of depression sports and walks on fresh air. As a rule, depressive disorders suppress physical activity, so the patient himself most likely does not want to go out - so in this case it is necessary to put a maximum of energy and perseverance.

To remove the severity of negative experiences, it is necessary to give the person the opportunity to open up in their own emotional experiences. Support, empathy and human warmth are capable of leading him out of the depressive state, or at least to facilitate its manifestation.