Diseases of canaries

If you decide to have a canary, the first thing to do is to find an appropriate veterinarian. It is best to show the selected bird to the doctor before buying - so you probably get a healthy individual.

Primary signs of diseases

If the canary is sick, it can be determined by its behavior and appearance, it is enough just to carefully watch it. The bird should be shown to the doctor urgently if she:

The treatment of canaries is worth starting immediately, because the disease in birds progresses catastrophically quickly.

Diseases of canaries

The most common canker diseases:

Scabies - kemidokoptots, manifested in the form of growths and plaque on the paws and beak. This disease causes ticks that can not be seen with the naked eye. The canary sheds, the growth of the beak is broken, a yellowish or white coating forms on the paws, the zone around the cloaca is almost always affected. Disease can cause why the canary does not sing.

Coryza . A healthy bird breathes freely, has dry and clean nostrils without discharge. If the canary sneezes, spits or outflows from its nostrils, this is an excuse to show it to the vet. Also a deviation from the norm is the redness of the nostrils.

Polyuria is an increased amount of urine in the litter. This disease is often confused with diarrhea. Polyuria can be the result of a disease or have such physiological causes as oviposition, stress, feeding of chicks, observance liquid diet.

Diarrhea or diarrhea in the canary. With diarrhea in the stool, there are vesicles, mucus or blood. The smell of this litter is fetid.

Puhoperoids , small insects are mobile. They can be discerned by careful examination of the plumage of the bird. Because of these parasites, the canary's feathers become brittle and brittle, so they fall off strongly.

Self-plucking , when the canary grows bald due to self-tearing feathers.

Helminths , which are not dangerous for humans. However, the worm itself can greatly complicate life. To detect helminths, a bird drop test is performed.