Names for girls parrots

Often, choosing a name for a new pet is no less difficult than making a pet itself. Especially it sways the choice of a name for parrots-girls. After all, many acquire such companion animals as parrots, in order to actively interact with them, and, perhaps, learn them to pronounce certain words. The name, the nickname in this case, is what the bird learns to react first.

What is the name of the parrot girl?

If you are sorting out popular names , looking for a name for a parrot girl, then our small tips will help you narrow your search or even decide on a suitable option. First, even if you do not plan to actively teach your parrot talking, you still need to choose short, sonorous and concise names that the bird can immediately identify and isolate in a speech. Most often these are names with prominent, bright-expressed hissing sounds, in particular, the sound of "Sh": Masha, Shusha, Sherry, Lavrusha. Parrots quickly begin to react to nicknames of this kind.

Another sound that goes well with novice parrots, as well as attracts their attention - "R". Nicknames with a long "growl" are especially suitable for parrot girls: Rita, Rummy, Kerry, Cora, Hera. But with the utterances of the sounds "C", "Z", "C", parrots of some breeds may have problems, so it is better to avoid them in the names of those parrots that are planned to be taught to speak. But if this is not foreseen, then such sounds are quite acceptable in the names of parrot girls: Gressy, Josephine, Tse, Cilda.

Interesting names for girls parrots

Funny names for girls' parrots can be invented independently, but you can choose from a huge number of already existing. One has only to pay attention to the fact that foreign nicknames sound more solemn, majestic, and Russian more gently and at home. Among the foreign unusual names for parrots are the following: Asha, Aphrodite, Aelita, Baccarat, Brenda, Brett, Viola, Vesta, Gabby, Gerda, Gloria, Daisy, Dolari, Eva, Jacqueline, Jeanette, Zora, Isabella, Kalma, Camellia, Lyme, Lally, Sandra, Charlotte, Ewald, Yang.

Russian names for parrot girls are extremely popular due to the simplicity of pronouncing and ease of memorization. Even small children usually easily get used to calling a new pet by the nickname, besides, they are usually formed from diminutive names, and therefore sound especially tender: Katyusha, Varyusha, Tisha, Stusha, Vasya, Zina. But sometimes quite full short names can be used: Yana, Anna, Asya, Daria, Jeanne.