White magic for love

Many girls, when it comes to love, tend to resort to the rites of white magic. There is an opinion that black magic is dangerous, but white is not. In fact, not having the full baggage of knowledge and experience, to use any magic from books is also dangerous, how to cut appendicitis into a medical encyclopedia. However, the choice is always for each of us.

Love White Magic

As a rule, white magic is used for good: to return the husband , to revive past feelings, etc. Often, white magic is called natural - because it carries creative, restoring energy and, ideally, can not be used to harm anyone. Even bewitch the beloved white magic will help only if he has feelings - against the natural state of affairs, white magic is powerless, it can only strengthen what is.

Practice of white magic involves the use of amulets, amulets, incantations, conspiracies, protection from bad forces. However, even this requires a deep enough knowledge to be able to correctly perform all magical actions and get the desired result.

Do not forget about simple rules that will help your magical actions to be more effective:

  1. In white magic, the love spell is pronounced in a whisper, but clearly.
  2. Before reciting the plot, it is worth reading the prayer "Our Father".
  3. In white magic, the love spell is possible only to strengthen the senses, and you can not bewitch a person who does not love you. In order to lead someone else's man, there is a black version.

White magic does not tell how to return a loved one who already loves another woman, she assumes a natural, good effect.

White magic for love

There are a number of conspiracies for love that will protect the feelings from the evil eye and strengthen them. Here are a few of them:

  1. Twist the two church candles together with a screw, and say: "As these candles of the suite together, so will we and you be retinues." Then set them on fire before the icon and say: "I do not light a candle, but I light the heart and soul of a servant of God, (name of a beloved person), for me, God's servant, (my name), forever." Repeat all over again nine times.
  2. A conspiracy to gain strong love from a man, bite your tongue and say: "I bite myself, slave (the name of a young man) I call myself." To (missed the name of a young man), I did not know from the longing of rest, neither in the day light nor dark at night. All in order to think about me, as I said, it will be so, in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. "Amen."

Use these plots only with good intentions and a pure heart!