Dream catcher - value

The dream catcher is an ancient amulet, but who exactly did it first - is unknown. To date, there are many legends that explain his appearance. Traditional this amulet is for residents of North America and Siberia.

Meaning of the amulet Dream catcher

The main and most common purpose of the amulet is the filtering of dreams, that is, he detains nightmares in his networks and misses only good dreams. In general, dreams for many ancient peoples were of great importance, because they believed that this is a kind of portal to another world. That's why Dream Catchers have become so popular. For example, shamans of the Ojibwe tribe placed similar amulets above the children's bed to protect their sleep.

The catcher of dreams has another meaning, as many use them to cope with the accumulated negative, to achieve harmony and peace of mind. Many believe that this amulet helps you to sleep peacefully, get rid of insomnia and wake up in the morning with a good mood. The value of the Dream Catcher is identical to the simpler versions with a spider web. Just a wolf some tribes considered a magical animal with a powerful energy.

The meaning of flowers in the amulet Dream catcher

In order for the amulet to have the necessary energy, it is worth choosing the right colors for its manufacture:

The dream catcher can be purchased in the shop already ready-made or made with his own hands. In addition, recently, many make tattoos with the image of this amulet to protect themselves from the surrounding negativity.