Vanga conspiracy for money and luck

Many people turn for help to magic just to solve their material problems. Advice and conspiracies from the great Vanga, which have already helped many people, are very popular. During her lifetime, the healer helped a huge number of people cope with various life problems, including financial ones. It is worth noting that people who work and believe in a positive result can count on magical help.

The conspiracy of the great Wanga to quickly attract money

There is a simple ritual that you can use in situations where you need to urgently get a certain amount of money . Note that counting on a million is not worth and the figure should be quite real. To conduct the ritual it is necessary on Friday night. Go to sleep, close your eyes and relax. After that, start to present the desired amount, how it falls into your hands, what do you feel, where you want to spend, etc. In general, the head needs to draw a picture that will be as realistic as possible. After this, you need to read nine times such a conspiracy of Wanga for money and luck:

"This is my desire, I so want, so it will happen."

After that, go to bed, after setting the alarm at four in the morning. After waking up, go out into the street and wait for the first ray of sun to appear. During this it is necessary to say such words:

"I got up early in the morning so that the sun would give me strength. Oh, the magic rays of the sun, you live in the east and know how to fulfill your secret desires. May you know what I need (call the specific amount you need). I believe you can teach me how and where to get what you want. "

The conspiracy must be repeated three times. It is important to spend the money you just ordered. If you do not fulfill this condition, then you should expect problems and losses. The ritual can be repeated in three months.

Strong conspiracy for money from Vanga

To conduct this ritual , It is necessary to pre-consecrate water in the church. Next morning, do not eat or drink anything. Sit at the table, placing a glass of holy water in front of you with a plate with half a piece of black bread. Then read these words:

"If the Lord could feed all the hungry with bread, then he will help my family. I wish for nothing, and that there is always food in the house, and well-being reigned. Show me the way to riches, and I promise that I will spend money wisely. "

Conspiracy repeat three times. After that, drink water, and share the bread between all family members. It is important that relatives do not know that they are eating bread.