How to bewitch a guy from a distance?

You do not know how to make your chosen one fall in love with you? You can try to charm the guy you liked at home. We will tell you how to forever bewitch the guy yourself. However, first, think about the possible negative consequences.

We warn: this rite is related to dark, dangerous magic, so be careful. The ritual is spent in a closed room. No one should disturb you and distract you.

How to bewitch the guy yourself?

To fulfill the love spell, you need any thing you like, one wax candle of black color, clay or plasticine, and three small needles. Blind the doll of the guy you are thinking about. Light the candle and wrap the doll in this man's thing. If you do not have lover's things, use his photo, where he is sealed alone. Prepare needles and begin to read the plot: "(Name of the chosen one), stick to me, fall in love with me, bewitch yourself, wake up with me. Do not look at others, love me . " When you read the magic words, heat the first needle over the candle and stick it into the head of the doll. Attach a second needle to any place on the doll. The third, control needle, is intended for the heart region.

Needles in the doll will not bring physical pain to your chosen one. After you finish reading the plot , remove the needles from the doll, wrap them in white paper and hide in a hard-to-reach place.

If you smoke, you can try a very simple, but effective spell. Take a cigarette and write on it with a red pen the name of the person conceived. After the cigarette is smoked, magic will begin to act.

Do not forget that if you want to practice magic yourself, you need to be extremely careful. If your spell does not work correctly, you can spoil yourself or your loved one.

If you are interested in the question of how to bewitch a guy through the Internet, then we hasten to warn you: it is impossible. Many sites are full of advertising that with their help you will achieve what you want. We advise you to turn to a real specialist, and it is better to abandon this questionable idea altogether. Payment for such a remote service will not bring the expected result, you will spend your money in vain.