Debt recovery conspiracy

Probably, every man had to take or lend at least once in his life. Unfortunately, but there are cases when people do not want to return the borrowed and in every possible way avoid meetings and conversations. There are special conspiracies and prayers for debt repayment, which will make it possible to change the situation and force the debtor to appear. To start rituals is with full confidence in a positive result.

Conspiracies and prayers for a refund

There are many different rituals, which appeared in ancient times. Let us dwell in detail on some of them.

  1. Ritual with a chair . It is necessary to take an old chair and break off the leg with your own hands, and without any additional items. Place a chair with three legs on the threshold of the house or on the landing. From the broken leg, you need to separate a few chips with a knife. After all the preparatory work, you can read the conspiracy to repay the debt:
  2. "If someone asks, he brings back the devil. I gave the money, but the borrower took it into my own hands. If he does not return the money in time, let him take the devil himself, and he will bring me money for him. May it be so. Amen".

    After that, to increase efficiency, it is recommended to read the plot backwards. Then throw out the chair, and scatter the chips at the nearest intersection.

  3. Ritual for a coin . This plot can be used if the money was taken by relatives. With its help it will be possible to smooth the situation, without conflicts. It is necessary to take a white coin to make it shine in the sun. In the morning, bury it under a tree or pine, after reading the plot for a refund:
  4. "I'll dig a coin to return the debt to me. To force everyone to give up the servant of God (name). How will all come back to me - dig out and forget all the insults! "

    After this, mentally wish the debtor luck, so that he has money, which he can return. When the debt is returned, be sure to dig a coin and keep it as a talisman.

  5. Ritual with a broom . Another popular rite that allows you to quickly realize what you have planned. It is suitable in the case when the debtor lives nearby. It is necessary to prepare two brooms: good and old. A new broom sweep the threshold of a person who must give money, saying these words:
  6. "I sweep a broom with a broom, sweep my money to myself!"

    Then take an old broom and again sweep the threshold, and throw a few twigs from him, saying a strong conspiracy to repay the debt:

    "I leave a thin broom near the house to not let me sleep,

    That thoughts about me tortured the debtor and other people's money left the house! "

    Right after that you have to go home. When the money is returned, it is recommended to think about the debtor in just a few days in a good way to get rid of the consequences of the plot.

  7. Ritual with eggs . We need to take two raw eggs and make holes on both sides. Then send them to boiling water. It is important that the front door is locked. During this it is necessary to repeat such a conspiracy:

"I tell my conspiracy, I will sentence my debtor (the debtor's name). Brew you, as eggs, in boiling water you crouch. Return the debt, or your age will be short. Rvy his chips, pain, itch, if, and all morning, and day, and evening, and all night. And you will not have a quiet moment, everything will ache, and your heart, your stomach, your skin, your teeth, your liver. No sore with you will not come down, nothing will pass and he will not heal. You can not be saved by not a doctor, not a healer, not a leader, not a pagan, not a whisperer. You will now be sick, live rot, weaken and die. Neither eat nor sleep, only moan, but suffer. As it is said, this will come true. Key. Castle. Language".

When eggs are cooked, hide one in your house, in the other you need to hide near the house where the debtor lives.