Demi Moore puts out 715 dollars for one session of acupuncture for his dog

Demi Moore, who for many years is fond of oriental practices, surprised Hollywood gossip. As foreign media found out, the actress cares about the well-being of her dog in a very unusual way - the star's pet passes acupuncture procedures.

Wellness manipulations

Demi has a chihuahua, which she called Vida Blue. As a responsible hostess, she feeds her only with the best food, looks after her fur. However, this actress seemed a little.

As the insider told reporters, Vide Blue twice a week doing acupuncture, which are not cheap. For one procedure, Moore pays a specialist $ 715.

Chihuahua is completely healthy, just a celebrity thinks it's easier to prevent a disease than to treat it later. This rule she extends not only to herself, but to those for whom she is responsible.

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Veterinary Commentary

Reporters asked to comment on the news of the famous veterinarian Patrick Mahaely. The expert said that for him such manipulations for dogs have become quite common.

Wealthy owners do not stint and bring their pets to acupuncture sessions. He confirmed that properly performed acupuncture is useful for four-legged friends of a person. It acts on them soothingly, relieves anxiety, increases appetite and normalizes muscle tone.

Demi herself is an ardent supporter of kundalini yoga and hirudotherapy.